Chapter 8

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So it was shopping time.. Everyone had their bath. I was already ready. Meanwhile I decided to wash the dishes. I put on some music and I then I began washing dishes. I danced to the tune and I felt a hand on my back. I turned to see the boys standing. THEY HAD SEEN ME DANCING LIKE AN IDIOT. I flushed and my ears went red. Harry laughed and said , "That was so...." and he paused. Louis said ," Sexy" and completed his sentence. Liam giggled and I pushed past them to take my bag. They had disguised themselves a bit to prevent fangirl disasters.We then left for the mall with 4 bodyguards on our heels. We entered the mall and no one recognised them thankfully. "So where do you guys take your clothes from..?" I asked. "Everywhere" they replied. I laughed and we went to the shops one by one. Niall took all the tank tops possible and jeans. Harry's basket was full of plain black and white tshirts and a few designer ones along with his many pairs of skinny jeans. Liam got a few checkered ones along with baggy pants. Louis took jackets and a few shirts along with trousers and jeans and fashionista Zayn has his own taste. It was a men's shop so I took a few stupid quotes' tshirts fot each of them. They paid for theirs while I already had taken the tshirts for them before. "You guys mind if I get my clothes too?..I need like atleast 20 pairs more..." I said. They all tagged along to the shop. I picked up a few fitting button-up shirts and tuxedos and matching trousers and skirts. I then picked up dresses. Harry helped me chose dresses and I tried them on. I walked out and Niall whistled. I went red and went back to the trial room. When I came out I did not find Louis there. The door next to mine clicked open and a girl in a hot blue dress walked out. Niall burst out laughing and I saw carefully and found out it was Louis in the dress. I joined in and said, "Looking hot Louis...or may I say Louisa...".Then I took a few dresses and well I was done. I paid for my stuff. "Guys. I need to purchase more stuff of mine. I don't know you would like to come" I said pointing to "Victoria' s Secret" . Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn went upstairs to order something leaving me with the pervert Styles himself......

*so guys...waiting for the pervertish part to come huh?...Do you guys want me to put dirty stuff in here too? and whom do you want Amanda to fall in love with?..Message me your ideas and reviews!. I love y'all Nandos.:)x*

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