Chapter 17

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"I love you more Amanda"

It kept playing on and on in my head....I couldn't really figure out whose voice it was. Whatever it is I gotta stop getting involved with these boys! They're worldwide sensations with millions of pretty girls lined up for them and I am just a doctor. Thats it. I can't. I think after this leg of the tour I will resign or something. Just then someone sprayed water on my face. I slowly opened my eyes , the light blinding them but I saw a blurry image of 4 boys peeking over me. I smiled and Louis helped me sit up. I was in a hospital. What?! "Liam..." I whispered and he immediately came next to my bed and kept his hand on my shoulder. "Yes sweetheart?" he said as he rubbed my back. "H-how did I end up h-here?" I managed to stutter. My throat was dry. He said, " Well you were so busy taking care of us, you forgot taking care of yourself. You had severe dehydration and so you blacked out. You're okay now." he smiled. "How is Harry?" I asked. "Speaking of Harry...Look who is here to meet you!" Liam smiled and said. My eyes travelled to the door as it opened and in came Harry! He was in a wheelchair though probably as he was weak...and his maybe he had hurt his leg." He smiled his bright bright smile showing off his lovely dimples and came next to my bed. He kept his hand over mine and revealed a boquet or roses fron under his wheelchair. "For the lovely lady" he said and I laughed and kissed his cheek. I kept it next to my bed on the table while the other 4 shot me a look. "What?" I retorted. "Yeah so only sick people get kisses on their cheek and um people who were up all night don't...Yeah thanks Amanda." Zayn said with a puffy tone. " Awww come here all of you!" I said and they ran towards my bed like school kids and jumped on the bed. I hugged each one of them and when I hugged Louis he made a sassy face and said, "Back off! No one touches Princess Amanda." and I laughed. Just then the nurse walked in. Seeing these 4 weird creatures on my bed she made a face and said, "Will you all please get down?! She will suffocate! And I thought One Direction were mature guys.." and Louis stuck out his tongue at her. Harry was busy staring at her ass and Zayn was laughing about something with Liam. The nurse took some of my blood and handed me a cotton and checked my saline and all and walked away smiling and giving Harry a grin. Harry then looked at me and said, "What?! Don't look at me like that! She sure was hottt" and he whistled. I playfully slapped his non broken arm and then said, "Um guys what about the tour? " Niall was sitting quietly. He hadn't spoken a word since he had come. Liam then spoke up, "Oh don't worry about that. We postponed this week's dates to next week. We will use up our holidays to cover them up. Don't worrt Amanda." he smiled. I gave an apologetic smile and then Louis, Harry, Zayn and Liam went out to have something and Niall stayed back. He started at me and I felt nervous...My palms started to feel wet and my forehead started to sweat. My heart rate monitor's beep went off and the nurses rushed in. They gave me some drug for that and then made me lie down. As they walked away...Niall was not there...He had left...

*Hey lovelies! Sorry I was off for a long long time...Exams and all suck. Totally. Well I hope you enjoy this chapter and comment and vote please!Means a lot xx Thanks for 4000 reads. This is so awesomeeee. I LOVE YOU ALL. New chapter will up soon and do comment your ideas.Thanks! Love you nandos*

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