Fame (Yn and Prodigy)

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Craig and Yn were the perfect couple. The power couple that everyone looked up to for advice. Nothing could break them up. Craig always had a dream of being famous , singing and dancing for millions of screaming girls that love him. When the chance for him to fulfill his dreams he takes it leaving Yn by herself. He goes on tour forgetting all about his relationship with Yn and sleeps with a groupie that comes onto him. Yn finds out about it and breaks it off with Craig. Years pass and Craig now goes by Prodigy a famous singer in the band Mindless Behavior ironicly including Chresanto , Jacob , and Rayan Prodigy's old friends from high-school who now go by Roc Royal , Princeton , and Ray Ray. MB has a concert back in Philly where he sees Yn and falls for her again. Yn doesn't feel the same way about Prodigy because Prodigy let the fame come in between Craig and Yn.


This is the introductiocn for what would be my 7th story. I decided to go ahead and write the story for Prodigy even though he is not in MB anymore because I'm still his fan for whatever he does :) So, if you want me to continue this story I need to have some feedback so I know that you guys like it.

**Mami Perez**

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