Chapter 11

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Craig Pov

I turned around and looked where Yn was looking and sure enough who do I see? Vanessa and Alicia staring at Yn and I. I rolled my eyes and turned back around to face Yn and Aubrielle.

" I don't know how she found out I was here. " I said.

" Wait, so you didn't tell her you were here with us? " Yn asked.

" I...No. " I said ashamedly.

" Craig I don't want you too have to hide Aubrey. I can understand hiding her from your friends but from your girlfriend? I'm not with that at all. "

" I know Yn, but I just found out she's my daughter. " I said. " I kind of want to establish a father daughter connection with her before I tell everyone. "

She nodded slowly. " Okay , I understand. I guess. "

I could tell she didn't quite agree with me like I wanted her too but I just decided to leave it alone. I tried to continue a conversation with her but it was cut short due to Vanessa and Alica storming over to our table.

" Prodigy what the h.ll is this!? Your having breakfast with some b.tch? "

I looked at Yn and saw her whole demeanor change. Now don't get me wrong. Yn is the nicest person you'll ever meet she wouldn't hurt a fly, but let someone call her out of her name and you'll see a whole different Yn.

" Excuse me, but I don't appreciate you calling me out of my name. Especially in the presence of my daughter, that was so disrespectful. I'm not going to act out of character because I'm in public with my child. But call me a b.tch one more time and I promise you I will lay your a.s out. " she said calmly yet still getting her point across.

" Prodigy your just going to let her talk to me like that? " Vanessa asked me.

I shrugged. " You did come at her wrong for calling her a b.tch. "

" She is a b.tch! A b.tch that wants MY man! "

Yn slammed her hand down on the table and stood up.

" What did I tell you about calling me that? " she said looking at Vanessa.

" What are you gonna do about it? B.tch . " She said mocking Yn.

Wrong choice Vanessa. Yn's face turned red and her fists clenched. Yn's dad and brothers all have bad anger issues and they transferred over to Yn as well and she gets mad very easily.

" I'm not gonna fight you in front of my daughter. " Yn said.

Vanessa chuckled.

" This ugly little thing is yours? Makes sense, she's ugly just like her mother. "

Yn's whole attitude changed. She must be very overprotective of Aubrielle. in an instant Yn grabbed Vanessa shirt and threw her on the ground throwing multiple punches at her face. Once Alicia saw Vanessa was taking a beating she jumped in and started pulling and punching on Yn. It was an ugly sight. I tried to pull Yn off of Vanessa and Alicia off of Yn but it wasn't working so I gave up until security was called to break up the brawl. Yn was escorted out along with Vanessa and Alicia. I looked over to the booth and saw Aubrielle crying her eyes out. I kneeled down to her level and picked her up.

" What's wrong? " I asked.

She rubbed her eyes still crying slightly. " Where are they taking my mommy? "

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