Chapter 12

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-Aubrey In MM-

Your Pov

" A hotel Craig? I don't know. " i said playing with my fingers.

" Come on, I won't try anything. You trust me don't you? " he asked grabbing my hand.

" Well yes but--

" Then come with me. Come on we both need some time alone. So why not be alone together. " he said smiling.

I let out a small chuckle.

" Okay Craig. I'll go with you, but no funny business alright? "

" Okay Yn, sheesh. "

Prince Pov

I walked into Craig's mom's house with a very angry Vanessa and a fuming Alicia behind me.

" I mean how the f-ck is he going to let them take me too jail and then leave with that b-tch!? " Vanessa yelled.

" I don't know Ness, but there will be revenge. " Alicia said. " Believe that. "

" Okay woah, no. There will be no one getting revenge on anyone alright? " I said looking at the both of them.

" Prince you aren't my father or my boyfriend so you can't tell me anything. " Vanessa said crossing her arms.

" Yeah Princeton. She's right, and why are you defending her anyway? IM your girlfriend not her! " Alicia said.

" I don't care who's boyfriend I am. if I find out either one of you is planning on hurting Yn there'll be problems. " I said before joining the guys in the living room.

" Aye where's Prod and Yn at? Shouldn't they be back by now? " I asked sitting down next to Roc on the couch.

Roc chuckled.

" Prod texted me and told me their staying at a hotel for the night. " he said with a slight smirk.

I felt a little weird at the fact that they were going to be at a hotel. together. alone. all night long. I shifted in my seat.

" D-did they take Aubrey with them? " I asked clearing my throat.

" Ha nope. They're allllllll alone, at the Hampton, and you know what that means. "

" Little Prodigy finna get some of that kitty cat." Ray said before busting out laughing.

I stayed silent. I really hope they don't do anything while they're at the hotel. id be crushed.

" Okay. " Vanessa said walking in the room. " i know that one of you knows where prodigy and that skank is. " she said crossing her arms. " so tell me. "

We all looked at each other then around the room.

" I don't know anything. " Roc said turning his attention back to the tv.

" what about you two? " She asked pointing at Ray and I.

Ray shrugged.

" Even if I did know I sure wouldn't tell you. " I said.

" Lemme talk to you for a minute Prince. " she said

I looked at Ray and Roc and they both shrugged.

I sighed and got up following Vanessa to the hallway.

" Look. I know you have feelings for that Yn chick, and i know we both wouldn't want them doing anything together so I'll make a deal with you. You tell me where they are, and I'll make sure you have Yn and I won't tell Alicia. Deal? "

Craig Pov

I was sitting in the hotel room with yn just catching up on everything we missed out on over the four years i was gone.

" Yeah and she cried the whole night because she thought I was really leaving. " she said laughing.

We were talking about the time when she told Aubrey that she was going back to school and she thought she was leaving her.

" wow she really loves her mom doesn't she? " He asked.

" yeah that's my other half. " She said smiling. " I don't know what I'd do without her. Thank you. "

I made a face. " Thank me for what?"

" For giving me Aubrielle. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. Ill always love you for that. "

I smiled. I feel like it was the perfect time to say what's on my mind.

" Yn I have to tell you something. " I said.

She looked at me with a concerned face. " what's wrong? "

I sighed. " Ever since I came back, and I first saw you I got the indescribable feeling in the pit of my stomach. " i said touching her hand. " just like the day I first met you. "

She blushed and looked down.

" Yn what I'm trying to say is, I still love still in love with you. "

She opened her mouth but nothing came out.

" Say something yn, anything. "

" Craig, I do still love you. I'll always still love you-

" That's great! " I cheered.

" But. " she started.

" But what? " I asked

" I'm not sure if I want to love you again. I mean I can't deny my feelings for you, but you hurt me so deep. You left me and cheated on me. You totally forgot who I was and that you had a child on the way. Craig, I was hurting for so long until I just pushed all the hurt deep down. But now since your here all that hurt is back and I don't know if I can't forgive you. "

I sighed. " Yn, I know I did you so wrong, and I will never forgive myself for not being faithful to you every second I was away. im so sorry. " I said kissing her softly caressing her back.

Your Pov

When he kissed me I felt a spark that I hadn't felt in a very long time. I felt like I was falling in love with him all over again. I slowly kisses back as I grabbed his face leaning in deepening the kiss. Man, I just realized I haven't had sex in over 3 years. I had a one night stand with someone a year after I found out Craig cheated on me but I haven't spoken to him since. Craig laid me back and continued to kiss me as he un buttoned my pants and slid them off. He slid my shirt and unhooked my bra. Oh my goodness.

The next morning.

I woke up to Craig's arms wrapped around my waist and loud banging at the door. i gently shook him trying to wake him up.

" Craig, Craig. " i said shaking him harder.

" Hmm? Oh goodmorning Yn. " he said smiling and kissing my lips.

I smiled. " There's someone at the door. "

He groaned. " I see. You couldn't get it because I put in work last night. "

I chuckled. " just go see who's knocking. "

He playfully rolled his eyes getting out of bed and slipping on his sweatpants from last night.

I laid back in the bed before hearing him yell.

" what the f-ck are you doing here!? "


Who do you think it was at the door?

I'm sorry I haven't updated in over two months I've been really out of it lately.

Don't just comment " more " or " update "

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