Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

As we entered the massive ball room, I couldn't help but look up in awe at the chandelier glistening and sparkling above, pure crystal with hints of lavender and baby blue. I diverted my gaze around the ball room, it had been decorated in its entirety. From massive gold and silver bow ties elongating the staircases, beautiful silver, white and black balloons hanging from the ceilings. There was an array of beautifully laid out tables with large goblet, vintage style wine glasses with a beautifully velvet coloured liquid filling them. It was as though I had wondered into a fairy tale. 

Only this wasn't a fairy tale. It was as far from a fairy tale possible. This was it. Is reality what they call it?

Escaping from my thoughts, I clung onto Aarons arm for dear life as we walked through the crowds of people, I didn't dare take a glance at Michael, although I could feel his stare burning right through me.

As we made our way through the room, it was impossible not to notice all the guests watching me. Some females were curtsying. Even some men bowing. Some though were just staring with intent. 

Only problem is, I am not royalty. Am I?

I smiled as I made my way through the crowd, slithering through the different gatherings, Aaron glued to my side. To be honest, I don't know why I have so much trust in Aaron. In some ways I feel like I have no choice, but then again I also feel as though even if I did have a choice I would still be standing by his side.

Although I hardly knew him, he was protective. Something I was missing and craving.

Dan was protective. But he wasn't here.

Aaron suddenly whipped me over to the side of the ballroom, where we could hardly be seen. Yet were able to see everywhere around us.

"The King would like to speak to you, he isn't here yet, so let us just stay put." He ushered into my ear placing a fragile glass of champagne into my right hand, running his fingers up my arm gently. I shivered, not noticeable, I hope.

"So, what is it he wants to speak to me about?" I asked trying to start a casual conversation. Socialness wasn't my strong suit, never had been. Awkwardness was.

He didn't reply yet, instead he let out a laugh and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Babe, if I could tell you, trust me, you would already know." He then mischievously winked at me before returning his attention to the party taking place around us.

"I think I already knew that," I giggled. I couldn't see how this night could get much worse so I may as well make the most of it and enjoy myself.

"You just can't help yourself. You ask too many questions." He smirked, his white beautiful teeth glistening.

"True, so, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?"

"Do you have a bad memory?" He asked, expression still and unchanged.

"Why change the subject?" I asked fuming at his ignorance.

I hate it when people don't answer questions, but I hate it even more when they change the subject.

"Well, you already know why I'm here. I am the Prince after all. I don't have a choice about attendance to these events" He replied arrogantly, not even looking at me once. His attention seemed to be focused else-where.

"Oh sorry, I just forgot. No need to get your knickers in a knot." I laughed trying desperately to lighten the mood. No luck. He continued staring at the door as if he he was about to burn a whole through it. 

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