Chapter 4

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"Who the hell are you?" I continued to gaze up at the new stranger that stood before me, expecting an answer. Instead, I got my answer from behind me. I turned around to see Dan bowing, "Your majesty." he whispered and gave me a torturous look, which of course I ignored.

"Take her to her room, now" He growled at Dan, who bowed, effortlessly scooped me up again and commenced walking into the mansion.

"I am more than capable of walking myself." I stated the obvious. He ignored me.

I shifted my gaze to the extravagant crystal chandelier than hung above us, as we made our way up the grand staircase. The chandelier exuded a timeless elegance, its brilliance rivalled that of a billion stars in the night sky. It was reminiscent of scenes from classic movies I had previously watched. I stared in awe of its magnificence. I held my breath in fear of destroying its perfection.

I pushed myself up in Dans arms to try and gain a better view of what was surrounding us. There were maids and servants, I assume, strolling the marble floored corridors, all appearing to be busy and ignorant to our presence. I looked at everyone I could trying to get someone's attention, but none of them looked our way.

"Now this is your room. Don't be stupid and leave it if I'm not with you." Dan stated obliviously. Then we came to a large white door, and Dan opened it revealing the room. I couldn't move. I couldn't even comprehend what was happening.

"This is my room?" I asked with my mouth wide open in astonishment. Dan nodded, with a hint of cockiness in his eyes.

The room was massive to say the least. It was probably 10 times as large as my old room at my old, long gone, family home. Against the wall was a king size bed adorned with lovely lilac sheets, and an array of plush cushions. On my left, a spacious balcony overlooked a serene pond and a beautifully manicured garden. The ensuite was opulent, befitting a queen, and the walk-in wardrobe overflowed with an abundance of outfits.

"Get ready for dinner, and please look decent, there are plenty of clothes to choose from." He looked down at the loose fitting, torn and rugged clothes I had been wearing for weeks, and suddenly embarrassment flooded my face. "Someone will come and collect you in a couple of hours." Before I could even respond, Dan had left the room and the door had been slammed shut behind him.

I walked over to the large bed and sat on the edge, sinking down into its plushness, the urge to sprawl out on the bed and fall into a well needed slumber was high, however the thought of ruining the beautiful silky sheets with my terrible scent was enough motivation to get me moving. I roamed over to the walk-in robe that was overflowing with beautiful flowy gowns, a little bit outdated for my taste but still extremely beautiful. Shuffling through the dozens of gowns, I was able to find a simple and elegant dress that was the closest to what I could picture myself wearing. The dress, gathered slimly around my waste and flowed down to my ankles. Long sparkly tulle sleeves would help maintain some warmth.

Remembering the long hot bath that awaited me, I quickly laid the beautiful dress delicately over the bed and made my way into the bathroom. I started to run the deep bath and looked around to admire the beautiful bathroom. Beautiful windows surrounded the bath, opening it up to the outside world with lovely shear curtains providing privacy, everything was made out of delicate marble. The benchs were full of products, perfume and makeup – everything a girl could want. Again, the question was raised in my mind. Why am I here? You couldn't consider this a prison for a moment, yet I had been kidnapped? Snatched from my peaceful resting place in the dark of the night. Why had they brought me here?

I stripped off the disgusting ripped and torn clothes that clanged to my sweat covered body and threw them in an ungodly pile near the door. Those are definitely beyond repair, I placed a reminder in the back of my mind to dispose of those later. As I sunk my feet into the tub of soapy warm water I could feel the sensation of warmth and comfort flow through my body right to my fingers. I shuddered in response. Usually the best wash I could afford was with some cold water and a wash cloth. I sunk deeper into the tub allowing my hair to get wet and sinking my face into the water. Closing my eyes, I let myself rest for the first time in a long time. Although this was by far not safe, behind the locked bathroom door was the safest I had let myself feel in a very long time. Safe was a distant memory. I let myself breath in the safeness knowing very well it wouldn't last very long.

I can't say I had ever been a very girly girl, but after living on the streets for so long, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the thought of looking manicured. After bathing, I raided the bathroom drawers and grabbed everything I needed, being quite surprised by everything I found. I started by curling my long brown hair and then applied a decent but conservative amount of makeup, mainly to remove the darkness from my under eyes. I put on the dress that I had laid out earlier and found some nice flats to go with it.

With an hour to spare, I glanced around the large room to find something to keep me occupied. A pile of books on the bedside table caught my attention and I jumped onto the cosy bed and grabbed the pile to dissect what we had here. Gosh I had missed reading more than most things! The pile consisted mainly of romance, and a couple of supernatural thrillers. I settled on a simple romance book and got snug into the covers while I delve into it.

I was startled by a knock on the door and realised how fast the time had gone. I placed the book back on the bed and fastened up my shoes. Slowly and cautiously, I made my way over to the bedroom door and put my ear against it to listen. A little giggle erupted but was quickly silenced. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath preparing myself for whatever screwed up things I was about to deal with. Opening my eyes, I swung the door open to find another young handsome man awaiting me.

How were all the men here so devilishly handsome? "Nice to meet you, I'm Felix." I looked right into his dark eyes and couldn't help but notice the resemblance again to Dan.

"Are you ready Katie?" He kept his eyes glued to mine whilst I nodded sheepishly. No words came.

His hand was reached out to guide me downstairs like a perfect gentleman, I hesitantly held it and was shocked by the coolness. His cool and calloused fingers grazing mine as we walked silently towards the dining hall, I supposed.

We reached the room where only a large dining table sat. It felt like the walls were so high they would reach the sky. I had taken a seat where Felix had instructed and he sat opposite me. He sipped on a glass of thick red wine, while watching me cautiously, a smirk planted on his face.

"Are we early?" I asked, trying desperately to get his attention of my face that was now turning crimson.

"No. In fact, we are on time, everybody else is late." He stated, sounding unusually posh. I just nodded. I couldn't even glance away, his face was mesmerizing.

"I know, I am very handsome. I do get told quite often." He states, gazing behind me.

My cheeks got even hotter, and I quickly diverted my gaze the bunch of flowers that sat in the middle of the table. How did he know I had been thinking of that? Had I really been gazing that intently at him?

"I can read minds princess," Laughter erupted out of me so fast I wasn't able to control it, my eyes glanced back towards Felix who was now looking rather solemn and serious. His eyebrows were feathered together with concern, whilst I continued to giggle. I cleared my voice and looked down to the ground. Where the hell had I been taken? Who were these strange men... Why did they think they could read my mind and more importantly could they?

I could hear footsteps approaching and was very glad for the interruption. Soon enough about ten other people came into the room and gathered around the long table. I sat in silence not too sure what to do. They all took their seats and within seconds all of them were looking straight at me. I glanced up to Felix searching for help but he too was staring into my eyes.

Then all of a sudden, I felt myself being flung in the air and pushed and wedged into the wall on the other side of the room. Pain striking my back I screeched for help but when I glanced over for help everyone was getting escorted out of the room.

There was someone on top of me, I glanced up and caught a glimpse of his pure red eyes. So red, and hungry. They looked hungry.

"Get off me!" I screamed in pure agony, pushing at what seems like a rock.

"Shhhh," He hissed, "mmmm, you really do smell so sweet." His body was moving closer to mine and his face closer to my neck. I could feel his cool breath on my neck as I screamed again.

I screamed louder than ever, "What are you?! GET THE HELL OFF ME!"

"I'm a vampire of course." And with that last comment he opened his mouth and two very sharp fangs dug right into my neck. My world came spinning to an abrupt halt and darkness took over everything. 

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