Chapter 2

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Glancing around in panic, and trying to gain enough strength to sit up, I yell "Who are you? Where the fuck are you taking me?"

I swore to myself as I remembered thinking to myself earlier that I didn't care what happened to me, that was a lie, I was terrified. The mam whom my head still uncomfortable laid on his head, answers politely but sarcastically, "Nice to meet you too..."

I groaned in panic and put every ounce of strength into pushing myself up into a seated position.

I knew very well that screaming wouldn't get me anywhere, not in a driving car. I glanced at the door finding it unlocked, then studied the speed we were traveling at. It wouldn't be wise, I realised. Should I open the car door and flung myself out, I would likely not survive the fall. Instead I aimed for a calm and collected approach, reaching for any sense of maturity I could muster. I closed my eyes and spoke quietly, "Please, just don't hurt me. Please let me go home." Not that I had a home to return to.

If only I had a home.

"I'm sorry girl, but no can do, what is your name anyway?" I pulled as far away from him, almost choking on the seatbelt in the process.

"What's it to you?" I stated bluntly, transferring my gaze to outside the window, trying desperately to determine where we were headed. I couldn't tell.

"Tell me your name." His voice had changed, it seemed to be laced with aggression, it sent shivers down my spine. I didn't dare look his way. Instead I focused my attention on the driver who had so far stayed silent. He seemed to be around the same age, as the other male in the car and equally as handsome. A beautifully chiselled face, although white as snow, seemingly glowing. His hair was dark and swayed beautifully across his face. I tried to get a better glimpse of his face but he wouldn't turn around enough.

A nudge to my rib brought my attention back to the man by my side, he was glaring down at me, fury written across his face.

"Why would I give you any information about me? You won't even tell me where you are taking me?" I snarl at him and cross my arms tightly to my chest.

Within what seemed like milliseconds he had gripped my arm in his cold hands and held it tightly, tight enough to scare me but not tight enough to hurt. He pulled my closer to him, his eyes staring into my soul.

"You will tell me your name." His voice stern and harsh.

I obeyed, "Katie."

Returning to his humble and English accent with a smirk gaining on his face, he replies, "Very nice to meet you, Katie".

"I beg to differ, now let me go or I will jump out of this godforsaken car!" I wrestled around in my seat trying to release his grip that was still strangling around her arm. He let go instantly, shocking offended by my last statement.

"Goodluck" he smiled, "Anyway my name is Dan." He replies smugly.

I don't care what he says I reach for the door handle and open it slowly, I realise we seem to be going even faster than I had originally thought. I look past the road the grassy side strip. If I jumped far enough, it may be a softer landing. I examined my next move very carefully.

"I would close the door if I was you." I feel his warm breath against my neck as he whispers in my ear, and I can't help but feel petrified. I glance once more at the speeding road and decide better than to throw my body to its death. I pull the door shut and as soon as it is closed, I hear a loud click and realise the doors have now all been locked. The driver glanced over at me and smiled wickedly.

I sigh and quickly divert my gaze to Dan to express my anger and hatred. As I turn to him, I feel a strange and strong sense of pain in my neck. I wince in pain as a tear runs down my face. I throw a hand up to my neck, but quicker than a blink, Dan has grabbed my hand and brought it down to his lap.

"You will make it worse, just let it heal." A reassuring feeling rushed through my body, and I felt cared for. I closed my eyes and brushed the feeling from my mind. These people do not care for me! I pulled my hand from his, and brought it back to my lap, not bothering to reach for my tender neck – I would deal with that later.

"Can you please tell me what happened? Why does my neck hurt? And again where the hell are you taking me?" I growled, my face glowing red with anger.

"Talk about a million questions, hey Finn!" He exclaimed, without answering not even one of my questions. I heard laughter coming from the front seat and felt extremely agitated knowing they found this situation even the slightest bit funny. I waited patiently for an answer but didn't receive one, not sure what I was expecting.

I gave up and decided on another tactic, be as annoying as possible so they must let me go. I took a deep breath and then started screaming as loud as I possibly could. I released my seatbelt and started thrashing around the back seat of the car. Not long later I found a strong arm wrapped around my waist and arms, and another calloused hand resting over my mouth, muffling my screams.

I continued to squirm in his arms for a few more minutes until the exhaustion hit me and I gave up. I released my body into his arms and let myself rest. It wasn't long after this that he decided to release his strong grip on my body and jaw and let me go. Some pain flowed through my body from the points at where he had held me, but this disappeared almost suddenly. I closed my eyes and decided to keep quiet.

"Good idea, you should save your breath we have quite a long trip ahead of ourselves." I knew he meant, be quiet and stay quiet but I couldn't resist.

"How far?" I squeaked and then shivered as he came quite close to my face, he was surprisingly cold.

"Far." he murmured into my face, I quickly turned towards the window whimpering. "You are so easy to scare, did you know that?" I could feel the cheesiness of the grin on his face without even looking his way. 

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