Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I couldn't take it I left the room as fast as I could, leaving my friend with a sad unforgiving face, behind me. It really hurt to leave him. This is what I thought I wanted, but it's turning me into someone I'm not. I'm not normally like this. I don't normally thrive on the attention from others... Yet I was finding it damn hard to keep my distance from the two boys, especially Felix. I guess that's what happens when you are without any care for so long, you become dependant on attention. I had become almost desperate for love.

I can't stand it anymore. I run straight to my room and lock the door behind me, whilst falling to the ground with my head in my hands. 

I lean against the door as tears begin to slip down my face. Tears that I had held in for so long were all coming to surface now. Tears for my family, tears for myself. Tears for my mistakes as well as tears for my misfortune. I missed my family. I missed my old life. The life before my life turned bitter.

I kept my door locked for three days, crying more hours than I slept. Drowning in my own sorrows.

No one came to my room to see if I was okay, no one brought me food. No one.

I decide it is time to go down to the kitchen. I step out the door glance around and walk down to the kitchen. I open the door and find Felix sitting down reading a magazine. He looks up with a disapproving frown and then looks down and continues reading. I looked down at myself and realised I was still in my pyjamas. Damn!! I walk over to the fridge and grab some bread and make myself a sandwich. Every now and then I would take a glance over at Felix, but his head was buried into his magazine as if I wasn't even there. I don't even care.

If he is going to ignore me then fine, maybe it's time he had a taste of his own medicine.

I picked up the sandwich and walk to the door as I do I glance over my shoulder at Felix. He sits there motionless, and then looks up into my eyes. I immediately look down.

I run up the stairs into my room and again lock the door and run and leap onto my bed. Poor Felix. He probably thinks I have feelings for him, all because of my stupid thoughts I couldn't keep to myself.

I almost screamed as a figure I did not notice standing on the other side of the room leapt over onto my bed.

"Oh, it's you!"  I don't know why Dan has to always be here bothering me! "Haven't you got something better to do?" I continued eating and grabbed my book that sat next to me. I opened it to the page I was up to but suddenly it was shut by to cold hands.

"What is your problem?" I almost screamed. How dare him. "Get out of my room!!"

"I don't have to I have every right to be here, and you know what. My brother is upset. And it hurts me when I see him like this!" He seemed angry.

"What am I supposed to do?" I questioned him, "Do you want me to go up to him and say 'oh sorry Felix, I have changed my mind I love you too'?" I stated this smartly but sarcastically. "I can't just pretend to care for him when I hardly know him."

He nodded! Wait, what?


"Yes, I nodded do you want me to spell it out to you?"

"Don't even think about it. I am not telling him I love him. Now get lost!

He remained seated on my bed.

I jumped off the bed and ran out of the room. Ha, I had just ran out of my own room?!?

Whatever I needed thinking time. I walked around the house three times before coming to a stop in front of the wide doors that lead to outside. I opened them easily and glared outside. Nothing was stopping me from running away. And they probably wouldn't even realise. I had been here for a week now, and I couldn't stand it any longer. I needed to be anywhere but here.

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