One : Prologue

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Maybe it was her hair, or her eyes. Or maybe it was the way her voice sounded, and how she spoke and what she said. Or - maybe it was
the way she walked, with such pride and confidence. I could go on and on about why I was in love with this girl, hell, I could fill up a one-hundred paged spiral notebook.

I'm in my senior year of high school, and I can't wait until it's over. I can't wait to go to college and get away from here. Of course, I'm only going to Miami U, which isn't out of state. I just strongly dislike this school in general.

Sure, the parties were great, and so are the girls here - but just imagine the parties and girls in college. And besides, I only have my eyes set on one girl, and one girl only.

It's the second day of school. Senior year. I had found out that I have several classes with Camila Cabello, the girl I was deeply in love with.

"Dude, stop staring at her," Lauren spoke from next to me. "You're going to creep her out - besides, just go up and talk to her."

I glanced at my best friend, "It's not that easy, Laur. She's literally a goddess and I'm just - just me."

Lauren loudly scoffed, "Just you? Jesus, Y/N. Do you know how many people have been trying to get with you since freshmen year?"

"None?" I frowned, retreating my eyes from Camila to look at Lauren.

"No, dipshit," she mumbled. "A lot - girls and boys."

"Oh," I shrugged my shoulders. "Well...I only have eyes for Camila."

"Then talk to her!" Lauren exclaimed with a sigh. "You're frustrating. I hope you know that."

"You still love me though," I teased with a smile.

Lauren simply rolled her eyes. The teacher - I forgot her name, because like I said, it's only the second day of school.

Lauren and I have been best friends since eighth grade. I had moved here from San Antonio, Texas. Sadly, I had to move away from my other best friend - Ally. We still keep in touch till this day.

Anyway, Lauren and I met when I walked into the wrong class. I had set there for about twenty minutes into class when I finally realized that I was in Math class instead of English. Let's just say, that was really embarrassing to say aloud. At lunch, Lauren had confronted me and teased me about it, and I had shot jokes back at her. That's how we became friends.

"You all know the drill," my science teacher began. "Get the forms out that I had your parents or legal guardian sign from yesterday. Today, you'll be getting the Safety Rules and Regulations that let you work in the lab."

I opened my folder, getting out the two papers and setting them on the corner of the table. Lauren was fumbling around in her bag, until she grinned and found them.

"You're so unorganized it's embarrassing me," I told her, and she glared at me.

"Hey - at least I didn't loose them," Lauren murmured.

I simply laughed, waiting for the teacher to come by. I saw Camila talking to her science partner - Dinah, who happens to be her best friend too.

I sighed and returned to talking to Lauren.


"Are you trying out again for soccer?" asked Lauren as we sat down at the lunch table.

"Probably," I answered. "But we always suck, so I don't see why I should even bother. What about you?"

"Eh," Lauren shrugged. "I'm doing softball again this year. I don't know about soccer."

I nodded, opening my lunch box and taking out a sandwich. I took a bite of it, and Lauren squinted her eyes at me.

"You chew weird," she commented.

I furrowed my eyebrows, swallowing the food before speaking, "What? How?"

"Like - you chew like a bunny," Lauren told me. "It's funny."

"At least when I eat, I don't look mad," I shot back at her, and she gasped.

"Fuck you," Lauren laughed, then looked behind me. "Isn't that Dinah? Camila's best friend?"

I turned around to see Dinah walking across the cafeteria, a tray in her hand as she did so. She sat down across from Camila.

"Yeah," I nodded, eyes returning to Lauren. "Why?"

"She's cute," Lauren blushed. "I've never noticed her until now."

I grinned, "Ooh. Does Lolo have a crush?"

"I think so," Lauren mumbled, then stood up. "I'm gonna go talk to her. And maybe I can score your pussy ass a date with Camila."

"Lauren no - "

Lauren was already walking over there. She sat down next to Dinah and began to talk. After a minute or so, Camila looked over at me and smiled. Lauren turned around, waving me over.

I sighed, picking my lunch up and walking over there. I sat down next to Camila -- nervously.

"This is Y/N," Lauren spoke up. "She can't talk. Her tongue has been cut - "

"Shut up," I interrupted her. "Hi, I'm Y/N."

Camila giggled from next to me, and I felt butterflies in my stomach, "I'm Camila."

"Hey, I'm Dinah,"

Little did they know, that I already knew who they were. Okay, maybe that sounded creepy.

"H-Hey," I stammered, awkwardly smiling. I took a bite out of my sandwich.

"You're on the soccer team, right?" Camila inquired. "I've seen you play once or twice."

"Ye - yeah," I nodded. "I'm probably not going to try out again. The coach isn't that great."

"You should do softball," Dinah started. "I'm trying out this year. And I know Lauren is already on it."

"Ew, no," Lauren quickly denied. "I don't what this rat on my team."

"You never know, she could be good," Camila said.

I smiled. Something about Camila standing up for me made me feel some type of way. Hell, Camila being Camila makes me feel some type away alone.

I turned my head to look at Camila, getting a better view from her. I've only seen her from afar. Her jawline is much stronger up close, and her eyes aren't as dark as they seem.

"Hey ladies," a guy came up to the table. "I don't mean to interrupt. But Shawn is holding a party tonight for school starting. It's more like a, fuck you, let's get this year over with, type of party. Only Senior's are invited. Y'all in?"

"I'm never the one to deny a party," Dinah said, taking the flier from the guy. "Thanks."

The guy nodded and smiled at us, walking away.

"I guess I'll go," Camila shrugged. "Dinah, can you pick me up?" Dinah nodded.

I looked at Lauren, locking eyes with her, "We're going too."



new book, slow updates.

i'll try to make every chapter this long. this is a camila / you book, obviously. maybe lauren & dinah?

enjoy, don't ask for updates, thanks.

October 2nd, 2016


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