Four : Daddy Issues

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After dropping Camila off and walking her up to her front porch - she had given me a kiss on the cheek - I had returned home.

As I walked up to my porch, I couldn't help but smile. I was having a great day so far. Camila had made my morning, making me laugh and smile.

I entered the house, shutting the door behind me. It was around twelve, and I heard the TV on in the living room and people talking.

I furrowed my eyebrows, walking further inside. My mother leaned against the kitchen counter, next to the dish washer. Across from her was a manly figure.

"Mom?" I inquired, locking eyes with her. "Who's that?"

My mom's eyes snapped up to me, "Y/N. You're home early."

I set her keys on the counter, and as my eyes scanned over the figure, I recognized who it was.

My whole body tensed up, "Dad?"

He turned to me, mouth slightly opened and eyes wide. He looked nervous, and scared. I looked at him, then my mom.

"What?" I murmured out, eyebrows furrowed. "Why are you here?"

"I - uh - I'm sorry, Y/N," he apologized. "I - "

"I don't want your apology," I interrupted. "I want to know why you're here. Mom?"

"He came out of nowhere," my mom quietly said. "I'm sorry, Y/N."

I know it wasn't my mom's fault for my father showing up. I also know that she couldn't help but let him in. They were in love once, I get it. But he hurt her, he hurt me, he left us.

"You need to leave," I mumbled. "Right now."

He nodded, "Okay. I get it. You're mad - but, I'm staying. I'm gonna be in town for awhile."

"I'm sure you are," I sarcastically said, walking towards the door and swinging it open. "Now get the hell out."

He sighed, looking at my mom, then slowly walking out of the house. He walked down the sidewalk, not having a car.

"Y/N - "

"I'll be back," I quietly said. "I just need to go for a walk."

"Leave your location on then, please?" she softly asked, and I nodded. "I love you."

"Love you too," I murmured, exiting the house.


I sat on the front porch of Lauren's house. Nobody was home, and the door was locked. And unlike Lauren, I'm not going to break into someone's house or car.

I played with my lighter, flicking it on and off. Lauren had a large house, it was two stories, but really wide. I had been here for about an hour and thirty minutes now.

I put the lighter away when I saw Lauren's car pull up in the driveway. She raised an eyebrow, getting out of her car.

"Hey Y/N," she greeted me. "What's up?"

I stood up, "What took you so long?"

"I went and got your car fixed," she told me. "I had Dinah drive it back. I had to drop her off at her house. Why?"

"I've been here for awhile," I replied as she unlocked her front door. "Where's everyone else at?"

"Dad is in New York, Mom is working night shift at the hospital, Chris is at a friend's house, and Taylor is with her boyfriend," Lauren answered. "Are you okay?"

I shut the door behind me, walking into the large household. I looked at the picture of the family in the living room, and I couldn't help but walk over to it and pick it up.

"No," I mumbled. "I'm not."

"Did everything go okay with Camila?" Lauren asked, confusion laced in her voice. I put the picture back down and turned to face Lauren.

"Yeah," I nodded. "My dad is back. I saw him. He was talking to my mom."

Lauren was quiet for a moment, her lips pressed into a firm line. And then she motioned for me to follow her, which I did. We ended up in her room, and she locked the door, even though nobody was here.

"Here," she opened up her drawer, handing me one of her bowls and a bag of weed. "It's already grind up."

"Thanks," I muttered, putting some of it in there. I then lit it, bringing it to my lips and taking a long hit and exhaling. "You wanna hit?"

"Yeah," she took it.

"I don't get why he has to come back. He literally came out of nowhere. No phone calls, emails, texts - nothing," I said, taking it back.

"Are you gonna talk to him?" Lauren asked, resting her back against her headboard as I did the same.

"I don't know," I answered after taking a hit. "Probably not."

"I'm just saying -- what if he had a good reason to leave?"

"Then he should've kept in contact," I snapped. "He's a dick and a deadbeat. He didn't have the right to leave."

"Okay," Lauren quietly said. "Do you know why he left?"

"No, but I'm glad he fucking did," I responded. "He would always come home drunk and yell at my mom."

Lauren didn't respond. After that, we just passed her bowl back and forth until it was all gone and we were stoned. We laid side by side, her room most likely smelling like weed.

I stared up at her ceiling, watching as the fan went around and around. My eyes felt heavy, but my mind was blank.

"Can I spend the night here?" I asked, my words most likely slurring.


I texted my mom, telling her I was at Lauren's house and that I would be spending the night. I saw that I had another notification, so I clicked on it.

Mila🌺💞: hey

Me: hi

Mila🌺💞: wyd

Me: laying in Lauren's bed. we're high

Mila🌺💞: oh. are you ok?

Me: no

Mila🌺💞: what's wrong?

Me: i'll tell you tomorrow. i'm tired. see you at school

Mila🌺💞: okay.

I locked my phone, setting it on Lauren's nightstand. I turned my head to see Lauren asleep, so I turned on my side and closed my eyes.


October 2nd, 2016 : 10:19

one of my best friends birthday is coming up!!


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