Thirteen : Surprise

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"What happened in there?"

It was like the first time we kissed, the same scenery, at least. A party going on in Shawn's house, and Camila and I outside by the tree. Except, this time, Camila sat in between my legs, my arms wrapped around her waist.

"I don't know," I softly responded. It's been about fifteen minutes since the Austin incident. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," she said. "But you need to start controlling your anger. Now - I'm not defending Austin, but I don't want your anger to get out of control."

"I know," I sighed out. "I'm trying. I don't know if you noticed, but when you grabbed my wrist, I started to calm down."

"Yeah," Camila murmured.

"And just seeing him - after he knows that you have a girlfriend - it pisses me off," I scowled. "I don't like him."

"So I've noticed," Camila laughed a bit, leaning into me more. "I really like you, Y/N."

I smiled, "I really really really like you too."

"Like, like like? Or.." Camila joked, "Just like as a friend?"

I laughed, "Like like, you dork,"

"Yeah, I know," Camila sat up and turned around, her legs going over mine as she began to straddle my waist.

Camila pressed her lips to mine, them moving slowly. She removed her lips to my jaw, lightly pecking along the line. Then, she hunched her back to kiss my neck as I craned it, giving her more access. As I did so, I could already tell there would be a hickey there tomorrow. I let out a quiet moan, my hands trailing down to her lower area, squeezing her ass. My actions caused her to moan against my neck.

She pulled away when she was dons, grinning as she traced around the newly formed hickey, "All done."

I chuckled, but that soon turned into a yawn, "I'm kinda tired."

"Wanna go to your place and cuddle?" Camila cutely asked.

I smiled and nodded, "Yeah."

Camila's head rested on my chest, her arms wrapped around my waist. We were laying in my bed, just the two of us with nothing on.

"Hey Mila," I spoke up. "You mentioned you could sing, right?"

"Yeah," she murmured. "Once or twice. Why?"

I smiled a bit, "Would you ever sing for me?"

Camila let out a long sigh, "Maybe one day. When my confidence up. I'm not that great."

I hummed in response, "Okay. Promise?"

"I promise," she hesitantly said. "But you have to sing too."

I loudly laughed at that, "I can't sing. I'll sound like a dying cat. My voice will crack like a teenage boy going through puberty."

"Please," she pouted, looking up at me. "For me?"

"Fine," I rolled my eyes, a small smile on my lips. "Only because I lo - like you."

Camila widely grinned, kissing my cheek as she sat up. I nervously smiled, my heart beating fast as I realized what I would've said if I hadn't caught myself.

My laptop on my desk started ringing though, causing my thoughts to vanish.

"Who's Ally?" Camila inquired, looking at the Skype icon.

"My best friend in Texas, where I used to live," I replied, picking up the laptop and sitting back down. "Wanna meet her?"

Camila nodded as I clicked answer, Ally's smile filling the screen.

"Hey Y/N/N!" Ally smiled at me. "Oh - hi."

"Ally, this is Camila - my girlfriend," I introduced as Ally's eyes went wide. "Camila, this is Ally, my best friend in Texas."

"Oh, hi! I've heard a lot about you. Y/N talks about you a lot," Ally began, grinning at Camila.

Camila laughed, "I'm glad."

"Anyway," I blushed. "What's up, Ally?"

"Oh, yeah! I have exciting news!" Ally started. "My mom is letting me come Miami for Christmas!"

I gasped, "Seriously? It's been years since we've seen each other."

"I know," Ally smiled. "I'm flying in December nineteenth and leaving the twenty-ninth."

"Ally - we're gonna see each other again! Holy shit," I exclaimed. "Now I can't wait until
the nineteenth."

Ally laughed, and she was about to say something, but then her mother's voice rang through and she groaned.

"I gotta go," Ally sighed. "We're seeing a late movie. Bye Y/N, nice to meet you Camila."


"You too,"

Ally smiled before hanging up, and I got up and put my laptop on my desk. I sat back down on my bed, looking at Camila.

"She seems nice," Camila mumbled.

"Yeah," I chuckled. "She's really energetic."

"I noticed,"

I frowned, "What's wrong?"

Camila yawned, shaking her head, "I'm just tired, that's all. It's been a long day."

"Yeah," I agreed, getting up and turning off the light. "Let's go to sleep."

"Okay," Camila cuddled into me again, her leg thrown over mine as her arms slipped around me. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Camila," I paused, and I was about to say, 'I love you', but I decided against it.

I sighed and shut my eyes.


sorry it's short


Hooked (C.C / You)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora