Two : Shawn's Party

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There's two different types of parties. The ones where it's chilled and just a few people getting high, and then there's the wild and crazy parties.

The wild and crazy parties tend to be in a mansion, where a kid decides to throw a party since his or her parents are out of town. And at this party, it's BYOE. Bring Your Own Everything. People are bouncing off the walls on beer, getting shit faced drunk and jumping into the pool. People are on the couch or outside getting stoned and laughing. Or, if you're lucky, you're getting laid.

Shawn's party is the wild and crazy one. What did you expect? We're seniors, and we want to party.

Lauren inhaled the smoke, then held it for as long as she could, then exhaled. The smell of weed is what Lauren smelt like. She handed me the joint, and I inhaled it next, doing the same as Lauren.

"You smoke?"

I turned around, hearing the question over the loud music. Camila stood behind me, very close, so that explains why I could hear her. She wore blue skinny jeans, and a white crop top.

"Only weed," I answered. "It doesn't hurt. Why?"

Camila shrugged, "I was just asking. I don't like people who smoke cigarettes."

"Good thing I don't smoke cigarettes then, huh?" I smiled a bit, sticking my hands in my pockets.

"Yeah," she smiled. "You enjoying the party?"

I looked around, seeing numerous of teens grinding on each other, "It's alright. I could hold a better one if I wanted too."

"Really now?" Camila teased with a smile. "I'd like to see that."

"Maybe one day," I softly laughed. "Where's Dinah at?"

Let me be honest here, I was beyond nervous. My heart was racing, and it wasn't even because I was talking to Camila - no, it was because she was standing so close to me.

Camila shrugged, "Who knows. Wanna dance?"

"Uh - " I glanced at the grinding teens. "Sure."

Camila grinned, grabbing my hand. I looked at Lauren, who smirked at me. I then followed Camila to the dance floor, gulping.

Camila's hand left mine, and instead it went to my neck. Her hands were warm as they slid behind my neck, her body now pressed to mine. My hands went to her hips as she moved them against mine.

"Y/N," she murmured into my ear. "I've liked you for along time."

I looked at her, locking eyes with her, "I've liked you too."

Camila smiled, her teeth showing as she bit her bottom lip, "Let's go outside?"

I nodded, our fingers interlacing again as we exited the house through the sliding door. Shawn's backyard was fairly large, and it didn't have a fence. You could tell that his house has been here for awhile, by the large trees that surrounded the yard.

Camila led us to one of the trees, and we sat against one next to each other. It wasn't hot out, nor cold. It was comfortable weather to me.

"Y/N," Camila broke the silence, turning her head to look at me. "Can I kiss you?"

My breath hitched - because one, this came out of nowhere, and two, I've been wanting to kiss Camila for years now.

"Y-Yeah," I nodded. "Yeah."

Camila's lips twitched upward into a smile. She leaned forward, tilting her head to the side, and closed her eyes. I closed my eyes too, feeling her breath on my lips. Her lips ghosted over mine before she fully pressed them to mine. I stayed still for a moment, feeling the sparks between us. I then kissed her back, slowly.

We pulled away, though, needing to breathe. I opened my eyes, looking at Camila. It was dark out, but I could still make out her figure.

"Wow," she murmured. "That was the best kiss I've ever had - if I'm being honest."

"Yeah," I whispered. "Camila -- go on a date with me?"

Camila blinked, "Yeah."

"Yeah?" I repeated, surprised that she said yes. Well, I mean, we did just kiss but still - I've waited ages for this moment.

"Yeah - "

She got cut off by sirens being heard, and the music suddenly stopping.

"Run! The cops are here!"

Camila and I stood up, and I grabbed her hand. Luckily there was no fence around Shawn's yard, so we ran through his neighbor's yard. I heard Camila laughing as we ran, and I couldn't help but smile.

Minutes later, we had found our way to a public park. Camila was still giggling as we sat down, and as she laughed, we were catching our breath.

"Shit," I mumbled. "My car."

"You could always get it in the morning," Camila told me. "Besides, that was fun. I've never had that happened before."

"Yeah," I laughed. "Me either. I wondered if Lauren's high ass got caught."

"She's fast though, right?" Camila asked and I nodded. "Then probably not."

"She's high," I stated. "She was probably tripping a lot."

"You're high?"

"I only took one hit," I said. "So no. Not really."

Camila just hummed. She got up and got on the swings, and I followed her, sitting in the one next to her.

"So uh," I began. "Any siblings?"

Camila's lips twitched into a smile, "Save the questions for the date, or else we'll have nothing to talk about."

I bit my lip, "What if this was a date?"

Camila looked at me, slightly swinging back and forth. We locked eyes, and I swallowed.

"Is this a date?"

"I - uh, I don't know," I mumbled, shyly looking away. "Is it?"

Camila grinned, "Sure. We'll count this as our first date. And the next one will be the second."

I smiled, and I was about to respond but my phone began to ring. I muttered an apology to Camila, taking my phone out. I looked at the caller I.D and answered.

"Yeah Lo?" I questioned

"Where are you? I got your car - and I may of or may not of hot-wired it," Lauren said.

"Jesus Christ," I sighed out. "I'm at that public park with Camila."

"Ooh! What happened? Also, Dinah is here - "

"Hey!" I heard Dinah scream.

"I'll tell you later, and hi Dinah," Camila looked up at the mention of her best friend's name.

"Y/N said hi," Lauren quietly said. "And okay. I'm on my way."

I hung up, sliding my phone into my back pocket. I looked at Camila, who was already looking at me.

"Lauren is coming to pick us up, Dinah is with her," I said. "She hot-wired my car."

Camila laughed, shaking her head. Seconds later, I saw my car with the headlights on. Camila and I got up and entered the back.

"Hi Mila!" Dinah screamed at her best friend.

"Hey Dinah," Camila softly giggled.

"Okay, so who am I taking home first?"



hoped you enjoy this chapter

October 2nd, 2016


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