Eight : Dinah's Ex-Girlfriend

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Her lips pressed to mine, legs thrown over my waist. My hands rested on her hips, lips moving against hers. And then, she slightly pulled away.

"How's your lip?" she asked, her voice a whisper.

"It's better, and healed," I responded, kissing her against. My lip has healed, but I still have a black eye, and the bruise on my jaw is still purple. "Kiss me as hard as you want."

Camila's hands went and tangled in my hair, her hips slightly rocking back and forth against my jeans. And then, my door busted open and Camila quickly rolled off me.

"Oh shit," Lauren laughed. "I should've knocked."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair, "You think?"

"Hey Mila," laughed Lauren again. "I just came by to check on you. I would've texted, but you know."

"Two more days," I mumbled. "Since it's Friday. I go back on Monday."

"Cool, so, like are you allowed to leave the house?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah, why?" I responded as Camila rested her head on my shoulder.

"Dinah wants us all to hangout," Lauren told me. "She's in my car, waiting."

"Dinah, in your expensive ass car? Not a good choice," Camila spoke up. "Surprised she hasn't driven off with it."

Lauren shrugged, "I trust her. Now are y'all coming?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "We'll be down in a minute."

"Okay," Lauren exited my room, shutting my door.

Camila and I stood up from my bed, and I threw on my sweatshirt over my tank top.

"Can I wear this?" I turned around to see Camila holding my black sweatshirt.

I nodded, "Go ahead," I paused, a lyric popping into my head. "And you can wear my, sweatshirt - "

"Shut up," she laughed. "I hate that song."

I laughed with her, putting on my shoes as Camila did the same. She grabbed her phone, shutting my door as we exited my room.

My mom was at work, so I locked the door behind me. We got into the backseat of Lauren's car.

"Hey fight club," Dinah directed at me. "Hey fight club's girlfriend."

I chuckled, "Hi Dinah."

"I have a question," said Camila. "Are you two dating yet?"

"No," Dinah scowled. "I'm waiting for her dumbass to ask me."

"I'm planning some romantic shit out," Lauren laughed. "Chill. Just wait."

Dinah rolled her eyes, while I said something, "Lauren being romantic? Since when?"

"Since she met me," Dinah said. "She's obsessed with me."

"Damn right,"


"How's school guys? Fun?" I asked.

"Fuck no," Lauren immediately said. "Fucking Brad keeps flirting with me."

"Yeah, and I have to watch it - alone, may I add, because you're my science partner and I'm doing all the work," Dinah told me.

"It sucks without you there," Camila spoke up. "Luckily Austin isn't there either."

"Good," I directed at Camila. "I don't like him."

"Obviously," Dinah started. "You fought him."

I shrugged, "It was worth it."

Camila smiled at me, left hand over my right. We sat in Dinah's room. Lauren and Dinah were on her bed, while Camila and I were on her couch that was in her room.

"Dinah," her mom walked into a room. "You have another visitor. Hi ladies."

Dinah furrowed her eyebrows, "Who is it?"

"I'll tell them to come up," her mom left, shouted something, then went downstairs.

"Are you expecting someone else?" Lauren asked, and Dinah shook her head.

"Hey," a hesitant voice said, and I looked in the doorway to see an unfamiliar girl.

"Normani?" Dinah and Camila said in unison.

Dinah stood up, "Normani, what are you doing here? I thought you moved to Texas?"

"I did," Normani started off. "But uh, can we have a second alone?"

Dinah glanced at Lauren, then Normani, and nodded. Dinah left the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Who's Normani?" Lauren asked Camila.

"Uh," Camila blinked.


"It's uh, Dinah's ex-girlfriend," Camila averted eyes from Lauren to the floor. "She moved to Texas, and that's why they broke up. They dated Freshmen and Sophomore year, until she moved that summer."

Lauren nodded, "Oh."

"I don't know why she's back though," stated Camila.

"Okay," Lauren nodded. "Alright."

A minute later of just silence, Dinah entered the room again. Normani followed behind her.

"Hey Camila," Normani smiled. "I've missed you."

Camila stood up and gave Normani a small hug, "Yeah. Me too."

"Hey, I'm Y/N," I introduced. "And that's Lauren."

"Nice to meet you," Normani's eyes landed on Lauren. "I'm Normani."

"Y/N is my girlfriend," Camila stated, grinning at Normani.

"Finally got a girlfriend? Proud of you," Normani softly laughed. "Take good care of her."

"Will do," Camila sat back down next to me, and my arm wrapped around her shoulders.

I looked at Dinah, who sat on her bed, staring at her blanket. Lauren looked Normani up and down before her phone started to ring.

"It's your mom," Lauren told me. "Hey Y/M/N."

"She calls your mom by her first name?" Camila asked me, and I nodded.

"Yeah? Okay, here she is," Lauren handed me her phone.

"Hey mom," I answered. "Well - I mean, if I had my phone - oh, okay. I'm not? I didn't - yeah, bye. Okay, bye mom."

I hung up, standing up as I handed Lauren her phone back.

"I gotta go home," I announced. "Apparently I'm not allowed to go anywhere? Oh well. Lauren, will you drive me?"

"Yeah," she immediately said and stood up. "I gotta go anyway. Camila, you wanna come?"

"Uh, no, I'm good," Camila said.

I bent down to kiss Camila, "Come over tomorrow, since it's Saturday?"

"Yeah," she smiled. "I will. Bye."

"See ya," I kissed her on the cheek. "Bye Dinah. Nice to meet you, Normani."

"You too,"

Lauren and I left Dinah's house and got into her car, "You okay?"

"Yeah," Lauren started her car. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because of Normani - "

"I'm fine," Lauren cut me off. "I trust Dinah not to do anything - even if we're not official yet."

"Okay," I mumbled. "Sorry."





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