Three : Breakfast Dates

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Lauren sat on my bed, back against the headboard. We had dropped Dinah and Camila off about thirty minutes ago, and Lauren wanted to spend the night.

"So wait - y'all kissed? Already!?" Lauren inquired. She had a towel over her head, because she had just gotten out of the shower. A towel was also wrapped around her body.

"Yeah," I said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "We're going on a date tomorrow. I'm thinking breakfast date and then a movie."

"Oh shit, I forgot all about breakfast dates," Lauren commented, getting up. She put sweatpants on under her towel, then turned away from me and threw on a t-shirt. "Those are bomb."

I laughed at Lauren. I was already dressed in my pajamas. I turned on the lamp and turned off the overhead light, climbing into my bed. I took my phone from the counter and unlocked it.

Me: hey, be ready around 9-10. we're going to iHop(:

Right away, I got a response.

Camila: yes!! i love iHop. i haven't been there in ages

Me: same. I'll text you when I'm on my way?

Camila: yeah. gn, Y/N

Me: night, Camila

I exited iMessage, locking my phone and putting it back on the nightstand. Lauren laid down next to me, and I turned the lamp off.

"Night, Lo,"



"Does this look okay?"

"You look sexy," Lauren answered. "You always do."

I grinned and bit my lip, turning around to face Lauren, "Thanks. What are you gonna do today?"

I walked over to my mirror, looking at myself. I wore jeans that were ripped at the knee, a white t-shirt, and my vans.

"I'm probably gonna go over to Dinah's," she said. "I don't know yet."

"Ooh, Lauren and Dinah sitting in a tree - "

"Shut up," Lauren laughed, interrupting me. I smiled and grabbed my phone, putting it in my back pocket.

"Oh, by the way, you're paying for my car," I told her. "I have to use my mom's car."

"Okay, okay," Lauren sighed. "Now go - before you're late."

I ran grabbed my wallet and smiled at Lauren, before exiting my room. I walked down stairs, leaving a note for my mom before grabbing her car keys. I exited the house and got into the car.

Camila had texted me her address earlier this morning. It was Sunday morning, and the sun was shinning. I trusted Lauren not to mess up my room - which didn't make any sense because she did hot wire my car.

Nervous was an understatement for me. My nerves are wracking, and every time I stopped at a red light, my leg would bounce.

I was finally going on a date with the girl I've had a crush on since freshmen year of high school. I arrived at her house minutes later, and I pulled into the driveway.

I took a deep breath, running a nervous hand down my pants. I then swallowed and got up and out of the car, walking up to the porch.

I rang the doorbell, scratching the back of my neck. Seconds later, it swung open to reveal a smiling Camila. She wore jeans, a black shirt with a black cardigan, and boots. Her hair was slightly curled at the bottom, and her makeup was done.

"W-Wow," I stammered. "You look - nice. Shit - I should've bought flowers, shouldn't I?"

"It's okay," Camila softly laughed, exiting her house. "And thank you. You do too."

I nervously smiled, opening the car door for her and then shutting it. I walked around to my side and got in it.

"I thought you didn't smoke? It smells like cigarettes in here," Camila commented.

"Oh," I frowned. "It's my mom's car. I have to get mine fixed."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to assume anything," Camila quickly apologized, a look of regret on her face.

"It's fine," I said, pulling out of the driveway. "Put on some music. Radio or AUX?"

"Always AUX," Camila told me, plugging her phone in. "If you don't like what I play, then I can change it."

I simply nodded as I waited for her to play a song. I stopped at the red light, eyes going to the radio to see the song listed.

"I'm in the mood for punk rock and I don't know why," Camila explained with a small laugh.

"Jimmy Eat World? I like them," I said, driving as the light turned green. "I like everything except country."

"Me too," Camila paused. "Well, I used to be a fan of Taylor Swift."

"Used too? What happened?" I asked, turning right.

"She went pop and became a snake," Camila answered. "I don't know. That's just my opinion."

"I agree," I chuckled, pulling into the iHop parking lot. Camila and I got out of the car, and and I locked it.

We got seated into a booth by the window. Camila sat across from me, eyes eagerly searching the menu. I smiled a bit, opening my menu.

"Hi, I'm Kate and I'll be your waitress today, what can I start y'all off with?" Kate had blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Uh, I'll take a cup of coffee," I ordered.

"Milk, please," Camila cutely ordered, and I bit my lip, smiling.

Kate nodded and walked away. After finding what I wanted to eat, I put my menu down. Camila did the same a minute later.

"I'm not a fan of coffee," Camila said. "So I get milk instead."

"I don't like milk that much, I'll sometimes drink it," I spoke. "I love coffee, though. If I don't have it every morning, I'll end up with a really bad migraine. It's the caffeine."

"My mom is the same way," Camila nodded her head. "So I understand."

Kate came back with our drinks, setting it down in front of us, "Are you two ready to order?"

I nodded, "I'll take the two pancakes and bacon, please."

Kate nodded and wrote it down, "And for you, ma'am?"

Camila blushed a bit, "Two pancakes, two eggs - scrambled, toast, bacon, and hash browns."

I quirked an eyebrow as Kate spoke again, "Okay. I'll go put that in right now." She took the menu's with her.

"Are you going to be able to eat all that?" I chuckled, slightly teasing her.

"Oh, just you watch," she challenged me. "I have a stomach of a man."

I laughed, continuing to talk to Camila as we waited for the food. I noticed that whenever Camila talks about something she really likes or is very passionate about, she smiles and bites her lip - and the twinkle in her eye is noticeable. And when I mentioned something she didn't like, her eyebrows would furrowed and she would bite the inside of her cheek.

Ten minutes later, our food arrived, and the table was covered with mostly Camila's food.

"Are you sure - "

"Yeah," Camila loudly laugh. "I'll be able to eat it all."

"Okay," I laughed, getting my fork and cutting my pancake. "If you say so."



i'm surprised i have the energy to write

October 2nd, 2016


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