Five : Age Six

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I walked into the classroom, taking my bag off of my shoulder and setting it on the ground. I sat next to Lauren, who is my usual science partner.

"How'd it go with your mom?" Lauren asked me, eyes locked on my face.

"She wasn't there," I answered. "She must've went to work."

"Hey Y/N," I looked up to see Camila standing in the other side of the table. "You okay?"

My mind flashed to the texts that I had sent her, and I knew why she was asking. And I was about to tell her, but the teacher walked in.

"Can I tell you at lunch?" I inquired.

Camila nodded, glancing at the teacher, "Yeah."

She returned to Dinah.


San Antonio, Texas - Age Six

I sat in my room, the coloring book open and the crayons everywhere. I wore jean shorts and a blue t-shirt.

"Y/N honey, it's time for bed," my mom came into my room.

I frowned, "No. I want to color."

I heard my mom laugh, but I didn't acknowledge it, "Bed, now. Or else you won't get to see Ally tomorrow."

I let out a heavy sigh and shut the coloring book, leaving the crayons out on my desk. I climbed into my bed and over the covers.

"Goodnight, baby," my mom murmured, kissing me on the forehead and brushing my hair back. "I love you."

"I love you too,"

My mom smiled and she turned the lamp off. She exited my room, leaving the door open.

My eyes opened to the sound of the front door slamming. I froze, but then I heard my mom's voice and my dad's yelling. I pulled my blanket up further up my chest.

"You stupid son of a bitch - "

"Your daughter is trying to sleep up there!"

"I don't care - "

I tightly closed my eyes.


Miami, Florida - Present Day

Camila and I sat at the lunch table her and Dinah usually set at, but we were alone. Dinah was with Lauren as they chatted and laughed.

"What's going on, Y/N?" Camila gently asked, eyes fixated on me.

Camila wore a black turtle neck, light blue jeans, and black shoes. She looked beautiful - she always does.

"You look beautiful," I complimented, causing her to blush. I sighed, "And well. When I was six, my Dad started to drink, and then later on that year, he left my mom and I. And well - he uh, he's back and town and I saw him yesterday."

Camila was quiet. I removed my eyes from her and looked down at the table. My fingers tapped on the table, wondering what she was going to say. My knee bounced up and down, a nervous habit of mine.

"I'm not going to say I understand - because I don't," Camila started. "But I'm going to tell you what I think you should do. I think you should talk to your dad, and ask him why he left. Because maybe he has a good reason - "

"No," I immediately cut her off. "No. I know you're trying to help - but fuck, I just wish everyone would stop telling me to talk to him. My mom, Lauren -- you."

Camila frowned, "I'm sorry."

I let out a loud sigh, my hands in my hair, "Don't apologize. It's not your fault - I know you were just speaking your mind. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," she softly said, taking my left hand in hers. "I know it's stressful. But just know that I'll support you no matter what you do."

I smiled, locking eyes with her, "Thank you, Camila."


I clicked the call button on my computer screen, my video camera on. It answered, revealing a smiling Ally.

"Y/N/N!" Ally grinned like a child.

"Hey Ally," I smiled. "How are you?"

"I'm great you," she told me, running a hand through her hair. "You?"

The familiar walls of her room filled the back round, and I couldn't help but softly laugh at the memories.

"Not great, actually," I frowned, remembering on why I called her. "My dad is in town."

"What? Why?" Ally's smile slowly faded away.

"I don't know," I mumbled. "I just thought you should know. Since you know, you were there for me through it all."

Ally nodded, eyebrows knitted together, "I wish I was there now."

"It's okay," I wave her off, hearing the front door open. "I have to go. My mom is here - we have to talk."

"Yeah, yeah," Ally waved me off. "I understand. I love you."

"I love you too," I replied. "Bye."


I hung up and shut my laptop, putting it to the side. I stood up, exiting my room and walking downstairs.

"Mom," I spoke, seeing her pouring a glass of wine.

"Hi Y/N," she sighed out, turning around and sipping on her wine. "We need to talk."

"I know," I stated. "Why is Dad back?"

"I don't know," she murmured. "He apologized before you came."

"Why did he uh, start drinking in the first place?"

She looked at me, taking a long sip of her wine before licking it off of her lips, "Stress, work."

I scoffed, "Bull crap. No one starts drinking that much just because of work."

"Ask him, Y/N," mom gently said, putting the glass of wine down on the kitchen counter. "Talk to him. Even if it's just for answer."

I shook my head, turning on my heel and walking away.


sorry to end it here

but this is all i could write for this chapter

ALSO: GO FOLLOW ArcticFlux and read her shit

October 6th, 10:21 PM


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