Nine : Mother Knows All

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It was Monday, and I was finally back at school. Camila had brought my make up work on Saturday and helped me with it, so I was already caught up with my classes. I turned my Science make up work in, sitting down at my table.

Class started a few minutes after that, and I glanced at Camila to see her standing uncomfortably next to Austin. He still had a bruise on his eye, a cut on his eyebrow, and a busted lip. I sighed and averted my eyes to Lauren, who zoned out while Brad whispered to her.

I looked at Dinah, who stared down at the desk. I frowned, whispering,

"You okay, D?" I asked, causing her to look at me.

"Yeah," she mumbled. "Just - Normani. She comes back to school tomorrow."

I glanced at Lauren, "Oh."


After a fight happens, the winner usually gets all the attention when they come back to school. And that mostly happens at lunch - which is this period. I stood outside of the double doors, scratching the back of my neck.

I inhaled, pushing through the doors as I heard claps all around me. My face flushed red at the attention, even though I should be used to it, because I was once on the soccer team.

I quickly sat down next to Camila, who giggled at my embarrassment and took my hand, "Hey superstar."

"Ugh," I mumbled. "I don't like the attention. It makes me want to throw up."

"Shouldn't you be used to it, Fight Club?" Dinah inquired. "You were the star on the soccer team - besides Lauren, of course."

"Yeah, but I was distracted and focused on scoring," I explained. "Not just walking into the cafeteria for beating someone up. It doesn't seem right."

"Hey," Camila spoke from next to me. "It's only for a day. Don't worry about it, okay?"

I nodded, my eyes going to Lauren. And just like in Science class, her eyes were focused on the table, zoned out with a blank expression.

"Laur," I said. "You okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah," she gave me a small smile. "Just thinking if we had any homework."

She lied. She licked her lips afterwards, and that's her tell. I won't mention it now, but after school, I will.

Speaking of which, "I get my phone back after school."

"Finally," Camila groaned. "Now I don't have to drive over there to check on you. Not that I minded or anything - I'm just exhausted after school."

I chuckled, "I understand."


I entered the Jauregui's Household, shutting the door behind me. Every time I come in here, it never fails to amaze me house big and beautiful it is.


My voice echoed throughout the house, and I didn't get a response. Lauren had told us at lunch that her parents were on another business trip, and Chris and Taylor are usually busy after school with sports and friends.

I climbed the stairs, first checking her room. I saw her laptop open with Spotify open, but she wasn't in there, and her attached bathroom door was opened. I then checked the second place I knew she probably was - her library.

I opened the door, causing it to creak. Lauren set in the black chair, her earbuds plugged into her phone, while reading a book.

"Lauren," I loudly spoke, causing her to jump and look up. "Hey."

Lauren paused her music, taking her earbuds out, "You scared me."

"Sorry," I apologized as she closed her book. "What cha reading?"

"The Girl On The Train," Lauren told me. "It's good."

"Oh, I've been wanting to read that," I mentioned. "But I need to talk to you."

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Yeah?"

I glanced behind me to see another chair, so I took a seat in that, "Are you okay? You've been zoning out a lot. And I didn't want to ask in front of Dinah and Camila."

"I - yeah, I'm fine," she sighed. "Just - I know Normani was Dinah's first love, because Dinah has mentioned her. And now that she's coming back, it's unsettling."

"Lauren," I started. "Dinah likes you a lot. And she'd be stupid to leave you for Normani. Sure, she was her first love, but that's most likely in the past. It's been like, one or two years?"

"Yeah," Lauren offered me a small smile. "I guess. I don't know, I can't help but stop thinking about it. And then there's fucking Brad as my Science partner."

"Request a new one tomorrow," I said. "Mrs. Morrison is reasonable, right?"

"She looks like she doesn't have eyebrows," Lauren mentioned again.

I laughed, "They blend in," I paused. "Wanna make a frozen pizza and watch movies on your big ass TV?"

"Hell yeah," grinned Lauren. "Or we could order."

"That costs money, and it takes longer," I said as we walked down her stairs. "You choose the movie and I'll pop in the pizza."



Our lips moved together in a heated kiss, and she pulled away to kiss me on my jaw, nibbling on it.

Camila was straddling my lap, my back pressed against the headboard. Her lips moved to my neck, and I craned it more, allowing her to nip and suck on it. My hands rested on her hips, and my right one trailed further down to her ass, giving it a small squeeze.

She moaned against my neck, and that had to be the hottest thing ever.

"Y/N! Camila! Dinner!" my mom shouted, from downstairs.

Camila sighed, pulling away from me and resting her forehead on mine.

"You gave me a hickey," I murmured, pecking her lips.

"I know," she laughed. "You better cover it up."

"Actually," I cleared my throat as Camila stood up. "I wanna tell my mom."

Camila locked eyes with me, "Does she know you're gay?"

"Yeah," I stood up. "But I'm only telling her if it's okay with you."

Camila nodded, smiling, "Okay."

I smiled, throwing on a t-shirt over my tank-too. Camila and I exited my room, sitting down at the dinner table.

"Hey mom?" I inquired.

"Yeah?" she sat down.

"Camila and I are dating," I nervously stated.

"I know," she laughed. "I've known since the day she first ate dinner with us."

"Oh -- cool,"


i'm in a pissy mood(:


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