Fourteen : Threesomes & Love

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The next morning in Science class, I glared at Austin, telling him to ask if he could switch science partners. Mrs. Morrison nodded, looking around.

"Brad, switch with Camila," she spoke. "So Brad you're with Austin, and Camila - would you like to work alone or would someone else?"

"I'll work alone," Dinah spoke up. "And Camila can work with Y/N." Dinah winked at me.

I nodded, "That's fine with me."

"Okay," she picked up her clipboard. "Go ahead and move. Since we're starting a lab tomorrow, we're not doing anything today. So study, or do whatever you would like - just no moving seats."

Camila sat down next to me, putting her books down on the corner of the table, "Hey partner."

I furrowed my eyebrows, but laughed, "Hey baby."

"How's your ribs doing? I know Austin got a couple of blows in," Camila asked as we turned in our chairs.

"I'm fine," I smiled. "Thanks for asking, though."

"You're my girlfriend, it's what I'm suppose to do," Camila quietly giggled. "To make sure if you're okay."

I smiled again, and glanced behind. Lauren and Normani quietly sat next to each other, and Dinah was right behind them, alone.

I exchanged a glance with Camila, then spun around in my chair, "Hey guys."

Lauren smiled at me, "Hey Y/N - I need to tell you something after class."

I quirked an eyebrow, but nodded, "Good news or bad news?"

"Well - I mean, it depends on how you look at it," shrugged Lauren. "It's not really good - nor is it bad."

I slowly nodded, turning back around in my seat.

"Alright, what's up?" I caught up with Lauren.

She sighed, then pulled me into the closest restroom. She leaned against the door, "Check the stalls."

I did as she said, and saw no one, "There's no one in here - wait - Lauren, I don't like you like this. You're my - "

"Shut the fuck up," she hissed. "I don't have feelings for you, asswipe."

"Oh, okay," I adjusted my bag on my shoulder, eyebrows furrowed. "Then what's going on?"

"O-Okay, so uh," she cleared her throat, cheeks flushing red. "You know how at the party - I was drunk?"


"Well," she continued. "So was Dinah..and Normani. We kinda ended up having a - threesome?"

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed. "I called it!"

"Y/N!" Lauren narrowed her eyes at me. "Now it's all awkward between Dinah and I. And the tension is worse between Normani and I at Science."

"You would think that seeing each other naked would ease up the tension," I chuckled. "If you know what I mean."

"Oh my god," she drawled out. "You're useless, I swear. Go to class."

"Well, I mean, what do you want me to say?" I asked as we exited the restroom. "To talk it out? You should do that - at least that's what I think. Or, you could just keep going the way you three are."

Lauren sighed, "I don't know. I'll figure it out. Thanks though."

"Yep," I nodded. "See you at lunch."

Lauren smiled at me.

"What'd Lauren want to talk to you about?" Camila questioned as we sat on my bed, binders open as we did our homework.

I contemplated if I should tell her or not. Lauren didn't really say I couldn't, and I'm sure Dinah is going to tell Camila sooner or later.

"Well," I started. "You know how at the party we said they were going to have a threesome?"

"Yeah.." Camila trailed off, eyes widening in realization. "No way!

"Yeah," I laughed. "We called it."

"Wow," Camila giggled. "I wonder how they feel."

"Lauren said it's awkward," I readjusted my position on the bed, so I was laying down on my stomach. "Would you ever be up for a three some? Not necessarily with me - of course. Just in general."

Camila shrugged, my cheeks pink, "If I love
someone that much, then yes. I would be willing to have a threesome. You?"

I nodded, "I guess," I paused. "What did you get for twenty?"

She looked at her paper, "Fifteen."

I nodded, writing it down as she began to launch in on how she got fifteen. And I listened, a small smile on my face as I fixed my eyes on her.

She glanced up, and noticed I wasn't paying attention. She blushed, "What? Why are you staring at me?"

"You're beautiful, Camila," I whispered, sitting up.

She bit back a grin, "You are too."

"I - " I inhaled sharply. "I love you."

Camila's eyes slightly widened, and a wide smile plastered across her face, "I love you too."

I smiled, pressing my lips to hers in a slow kiss. Camila put both of our binders on the floor as she kissed me back.

Her legs straddled mine, my hands locked on her waist. Our tongues danced with each other's, and Camila pushed me back onto my back, taking her shirt off. She now wore jeans and her black bra, her hair thrown over one shoulder.

I took in her body before she kissed me a again, her hand going under my shirt. Her warm hand ran up and down my stomach before she took it off fully.

"Wait - " I paused. "If we're gonna do this, lock the door."

I propped myself on my elbows as she got up and locked the door. As she walked back, she unzipped her jeans. She took them off, throwing them anywhere as she straddled me again, only in her panties and bra.

Her lips pressed to my collarbone, trailing down further. My hands squeezed her ass, causing her to moan against my chest.

"I love you," she breathed out, connecting our lips again. "And I trust you."

"I love you too," I flipped us over, taking my jeans off. "And I need you."

Camila nodded, and that night was one of the best nights.


oops, i don't write smut


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