Six : New Science Partners

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My pencil tapped on the science desk, my eyes glancing up to take notes. The teacher, Mrs. Morrison, was writing something down. It was only the fourth week of school, so it's been a month.

"Okay, pencils down, we'll continue this tomorrow," she said, standing up.

Lauren leaned over and whispered to me, "Is it me, or does she not have eyebrows?"

I glanced at Lauren, then Mrs. Morrison and squinted my eyes, studying her eyebrows. And then, I realized Lauren was correct.

"Maybe they're blonde, like her hair; and they really blend in," I said, looking away.

"I have arranged a new sitting chart," she said. "Since some of you guys not know when to shut up," she glared at Lauren and I as the class snickered. "Mia and William, Sierra and Kacy, Camila and Austin - " I looked at Camila. "Lauren and Brad," I frowned. "And Dinah and Y/N."

I didn't like Austin, nor did I like Brad. I heard Lauren let out a heavy sigh as we all began to move. I sat where Camila use to sit, next to Dinah. I watched as Camila smiled at Austin and sat down next to him.

"I don't like him," I spoke aloud. "Austin. I don't like him."

"Yeah? I don't like Brad," Dinah stated, and I looked at her to see her staring at Lauren.

"Don't worry, Lauren hates Brad as much as I do," I reassured Dinah.

She frowned and looked at me, "I wish I could say the same about Camila and Austin. She thinks he's nice because he sometimes offers to carry her books."

"Now," Mrs. Morrison continued. "These are your new seats until I change them again, so get used to it. Continue to take notes."

I sighed and grabbed my pencil.


"You haven't talked to your Dad yet?"

I looked across the table, "No. And I'm not going to. He's probably gone by now."

Lauren frowned, "Y-"

"Hey guys," I cut Lauren off, smiling as Camila sat next to me and Dinah next to Lauren.

"Hi," Camila smiled at me, giving me a small hug. "How's your day?"

"It's alright," I shrugged. "If I'm being honest, it's better now that you're next to me."

Camila blushed a bit and grinned, locking eyes with me. She was about to say something - but our moment got interrupted by Austin.

"Hey Camilla," Austin pronounced her name wrong.

"It's Camila," Camila corrected him. "But hi Austin."

"Oh, sorry," he sheepishly smiled. "Uh, I was wondering if I could borrow your science notes? I didn't get all of them down."

"Oh, sure," she began to get her notebook out of her bag.

"And could you put your number down?" he hesitantly asked, and I felt jealousy form in my stomach.

"Oh - yeah - sure," she bit her lip more, face even more flushed, and she glanced at me.

I shook my head, "She's actually already talking to someone," I couldn't help but blurt out. "And I'm sure you can get the science notes from someone else -- like Brad."

"I don't talk to Brad," he said. "And who is she talking to? She can give me her number if she wants to."

"She's talking to me," I stood up. "And we all know you only want to get in her fucking pants, and I'm not gonna let that happen,"

"Y/N - "

"Yeah? Who said that? I'm just trying to be friends with her," Austin scoffed.

"Just friends?" I scowled. "Sure. When has a girl ever just been 'friends' with you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," he sarcastically said. "I forgot, ever since daddy left you, you've had a hatred for men."

Before I knew it, my fist had connected with his jaw, and gasps were heard. Austin groaned, hands going up to his jaw.

"What the fuck is your problem!" he shouted. "You know what? You little bitch - "

He tackled me to the ground, straddling my waist and throwing punches to my face.

"Austin stop!" I heard Camila.

I used my strength to push him off of me, and I punched him in the ribs. I began to repeatedly hit him in the face, not caring if my hand was hurting.

"Y/N! Stop! Please!" Camila's hand landed on my shoulder, her grip firm.

I got up, seeing Austin's nose bleed. Students crowded around us, cheering and yelling. The principal pushed through, eyes locked with mine.

"Office, now."


"What on earth were you thinking! Getting into a fight? You could've gotten seriously hurt!" My mother shouted at me in the car.

"He instigated it," I mumbled. "He said something about dad leaving."

My mom went quiet for a moment, and I took that time to look at my face through my camera. I had a busted lip, a black eye, and a bruise on my lower jaw.

"Hey! No phone, you're grounded until you go back to school," mom sternly told me, and I put my phone down. "So this is all about your father?"

"No," I got out of the car, logging out of all of my apps and deleting them. I turned my phone off, walking into the house. "I'm going upstairs."

I handed mom my phone, hearing her let out a loud sigh as I walked upstairs and into my room.


"The whole school is talking about it!"

"Cool, Lauren," I mumbled, eyes staring up at the ceiling. "Has Camila said anything? I don't have my phone. My mom took it."

"No," she said. "But I'll text Camila and tell her you're grounded."

I nodded, "Thanks. I'm out for five days."

"A week? Damn," Lauren chuckled. "You beat Austin good. But he did a piece of work on you too."

"Yeah," I sighed out.

"Y/N! You have another visitor!" Mom shouted, and I furrowed my eyebrows and sat up, elbows propped on the bed.

My bedroom door opened, revealing Camila with her phone in her hand. We locked eyes, and I knew she wanted us to be alone.

"Lauren, could you uh - "

"Got it," Lauren stood up. "I'm gonna go talk to your mom." Lauren walked by Camila, shutting the door as she left.

"Hey," I set up all the way as Camila looked around my room.

"Hey," she quietly said, sitting down on the edge of my bed. "You okay?"

"Yeah," I murmured, "I'm fine. I'm also sorry - "

"It's okay," she scooted closer to me, eyes going over my face. "He didn't have the right to say that."

"I know," I mumbled. "I shouldn't have hit him either. We're both in the wrong. I feel - I feel like my father."

Camila frowned, "Don't. From what you've told me about him, you're nothing like him, okay? Sure, you may look like him, but you two completely different."

I kept my eyes locked with Camila, not saying anything. She leaned forward, gently pressing her lips to mine. I slowly kissed her back, not wanting to put pressure on my busted lip.

I pulled away, softly hissing, "It's the cut."

Camila nodded, resting her forehead on mine, "Just so you know, I never would've went out with Austin."

I smiled.


sorry to anyone if they support Austin Mahone in anyway. or Brad Simpson.

October 7th, 5:21 PM.


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