Fifthteen : Mistake

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"Camila and I said we love each other," I informed my best friend. "We also had sex last night."

Lauren screeched, "What! Yes! How was it? Was it her first time? I - "

"No," I interrupted Lauren. "It wasn't her first time, nor was it mine. But - she was different from all the other girls. Maybe that's cliche, but with Camila - there's not too fast or too slow, it's just right."

"So - I would say I understand, but you know, this recent threesome is fucking up my brain," Lauren stated with a groan.

"Have you and Dinah talked about it?" I inquired, spinning around in her desk chair.

"No, we just act like it never happened," Lauren said with a sigh.

"Okay, if you can't talk about it with Dinah -- then maybe Normani - "

"Hell no!" Lauren shouted, throwing a pillow at me. "Are you stupid or something?"

"Yes," I responded. "But I'm just saying - if you can't talk to Dinah, try Normani," I shrugged. "You never know, you guys may end up best friends. Except then I would kill her, because that's my place."

Lauren laughed at me, "Maybe. Are you staying for dinner?"

I shook my head, looking at my watch, "Camila is coming over later. We're ordering a pizza and watching a movie."

"Ooh," Lauren wiggled her eyebrows. "I see. Go and have fun."

I rolled my eyes, smiling, "Bye Jauregui."

Camila leaned into me, her head now resting on my shoulder. My mom was upstairs, in her room and watching TV.

Both of our hands were locked together, my thumb brushing over her knuckles as we watched The Notebook. I've already seen it, but Camila wanted to watch it again.

"When is the pizza gonna be here?" Camila groaned.

"Any minute," I responded. "I ordered it like - "

I got cut off by the doorbell, causing me to chuckle, "I got it."

I got up, getting the twenty-five dollars and opening the door. See, I expected it to be the pizza man - but it wasn't.

"No," I immediately said, glancing behind me. "No, not right now, Dad. I can't - "

"Y/N," he slurred, and I now realized he was drunk. "I'm so - sorry. For - "

I set my jaw, stepping outside as I put the money in my back pocket. I shut the front door so Camila wouldn't hear us.

"What do you want? Money? I thought you left to get help or something - " I scoffed. "You can't even follow through with that, can you?"

"Hey," he mumbled. "Don't be r-rude."

"How'd you get here?" I looked for a cab of any sort. "Did you walk here?"

"N - no," he hiccuped. "Wait. I don't know."

I rolled my eyes, getting my phone out so I could call him a cab. But then, my front door opened and a confused Camila came out.

"Y/N? Where's the pizza?" she inquired, walking up to me. "Who's this?"

"Ooh, does Y/N/N have a girlfriend?" Dad said, chuckling with a drunk smile.

"Camila, this is uh - my Dad," I mumbled, lifting the phone up to my ear. "Yeah - I'd like a cab please. As quickly as possible - 3921 North Road. Thanks."

I hung up, sliding my phone into my pocket.

"When that cab gets here," I started. "I want you to leave and never come back. I don't ever want to see you again. You got me? And stay away from Mom."

He frowned, and something changed in his eyes, "Fuck - fuck you. I tried to apologize - but noo. Just - just so you know - " he laughed. "Your mom and I - we never planned you. You're an accident."

I heard another gasp from behind me, and I turned around to see my mom, a horrid look on her face.

I clenched my fists, "Leave. Get the hell out."

I pushed him into the cab, slamming the door, then spoke to the driver, "Take him to any hotel - here." I gave him five dollars, and then the cab drove off.

"Y/N - " my mom spoke, but I shook my head.

I looked back at Camila, who stared at me with sad eyes. She walked over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I sighed, hugging her back. I felt her softly peck my neck, then she whispered in my ear,

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I murmured. "I'm sorry you had to see that."

I ignored my mother, looking into Camila's eyes, "I never wanted you to meet him."

"It's not your fault," she replied, taking my hand in hers. "Come on, let's go back to your room."

The box of pizza we ordered came five minutes later, and we were in my room, eating it. I stared at the wall, silence filling the room.

I heard Camila sigh loudly, "You're not a mistake, Y/N. Just because they didn't plan you, doesn't mean you're a mistake."

"It's not that," I started. "I always knew I wasn't planned, that they weren't expecting me. It's just - hearing it aloud, I don't know."

Camila frowned, setting her pizza down. She climbed onto my lap, warm hands cupping my face.

"I love you," Camila said, eyes locked with mine. "And I'm glad you're you, Y/N. I'm glad you're the person you are today. I'm glad that I love you, and I'm not ashamed of that."

I smiled, feeling stray tears falling from my eyes, and Camila wiped them away with the pad of her thumb.

"I love you," I whispered before kissing her. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me," she murmured. "I'm only stating the truth."

"I'm tired," I sighed. "Wanna take a nap with me?"

Camila laughed a bit, "Yeah."

I smiled as I sat the box of pizza on my nightstand. Camila laid down next to me, head on my chest as her arms wrapped around my waist.


don't get used to these updates. i'll vanish again i promise u lol


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