Chapter 37 Sophie POV

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Okay, I know this is so off, but whenever I think about Lord Sencen, I always think of Lucius Malfoy from Harry Potter. No offense to any Potterheads, but I can't help but think of him! What about you guys? He just has that face that hates everyone and everything! I don't know, what do you guys think? Also I'm excited for the Movie above, and when Mrs. Peregrine changes into a bird is kind of how Luis changes into objects! So yeah, without further ado! ENJOY!

 Peregrine changes into a bird is kind of how Luis changes into objects! So yeah, without further ado! ENJOY!

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Luis gives me a big smile as he extends a hand out. I take it, and he helps me up. His smile is infectious.

"Hello Luis," I hear Bronte grumble. Luis pales, he bows.

"Hello Councilor Bronte," He says, kneeling down.

"Get up boy!" Bronte scolds, irritated.

I look back and forth, the two look similar.

"Aren't you not allowed to have kids to be a councilor?" I ask.

Bronte rolls his eyes, "This is my nephew, not my son, thank god!"

Luis rolls his eyes.

Yep, definitely can see the resemblance.

"So, I guess you two can do whatever kids do now a days. I'm going back inside," He says, turning around and leaving us alone in an awkward silence.

"So," I say as we walk, kicking a stone while self-consciously brushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"So?" He smiles again, my heart flutters. Why do all elves have to be so good looking?

"So, what was that whole animal turning thingy?" I ask chuckling nervously.

"Oh, that?" He says, he rubs the back of his neck with his hand.

"Yeah, that," I glance up at him smiling.

"Yeah, I'm a shape shifter," He smiles.

"Oh," I say.

"You aren't the only one with a unique ability!" He smiles, tapping my nose.

I blush, "I never said that..."

His hands are in his pockets, "Here, I want to show you something!" He smiles, grabbing my hand.

I smile and soon we're running through a meadow, butterflies are everywhere, the sun is shinning. Wildflowers are growing and it's glowing with life.

My smile gets bigger as we watch the sun set.

"This is beautiful!" I smile, laughing as butterflies swarm around.

Luis smiles, and then he turns into a butterfly. I watched him and the others make designs in the sky.

It's magnificent.

Fireflies even come out, it's magical in a natural way, one that doesn't appear so often.


"And then I got in huge trouble! It resulted in a tribunal!" He chuckles, shaking his head. When he was younger he pulled a prank on Councilor Bronte. What he did was let loose a muskog and he created a giant slime ball that gave the councilor stomach problems for weeks. Luckily, they let him slide, but it was hilarious!

We talked about a lot of things. It was refreshing, he understood what I went through a lot more then others. I was glad I met him.

"SOPHIE! LUIS!" Someone screams in fear, I start running. Luis shifts mid sprint, he turns into a cheetah, and he tells me to get on his back. I jump on, preparing myself for whatever frightening thing is up ahead.

It's dark outside, but the cottage has lanterns all around it. I rolled off and inflicted pain right away on everything there, that way no one dies this time. Everyone falls down. I open my eyes to find three Neverseen agents, and everyone shaking in pain. Now that I know whose who, I inflict only on the agents.

"Sophie stop!" Emery shouts. I stop.


"Sophie, you are going to kill them with so much pain!" Bronte growls. My eyes open wide in fear.

"Sorry, I just--"

"Thank you Sophie, now go inside, Dedilly would like to talk to you," Oralie says calmly.

I hurry inside.

"Ah child, here's some mallowmelt," She smiles a toothy wide grin. I give her a weak smile and gobble down five slices.

Soon they enter back inside, except it's only Bronte, Oralie, Emery, Alina, and two others who I forget.

"So, it's time to tell you part of your future," Bronte says, they all look at each other.

Emery talks to Dedilly quietly, and Bronte walks over to me.

"Whatever you see, I only know a tiny bit, must never leave your eyes. This is illegal, but you're an exception like usual. Seriously, what you see can change. Now, you are only going to look at your future, and it'll be the first thing you see when you enter her mind--"

"You ready?" Emery asked.

"Yes," Bronte calls. I gulp and place my shaky hands on her temples.

I close my eyes and see my future.


I'm happy. I'm running around, a blurry figure laughs. It's a boy. I love him.

I look down and beam, I'm wearing the same teacup yellow dress.

Then I'm fighting and I win. More blurred figures fight alongside me.

The Neverseen are defeated.

I finally get to live a happy life, I'm working hard in school, and then I go to another place and I'm happy. I even get married. All is perfect.

And then it changes.

I'm sobbing, the weather immediately changes. It's dark and stormy, I'm inside as eye of a hurricane, shaking from crying. The wails are deafening, I here a voice try to help me, but I scream from pain. The world erupts in flames, and I inflict it all on everyone, hoping to make it stop, but once it's gone it comes back.

My powers are out of control.

I clutch myself and rock back and forth. I've done it.

I was created to save or destroy the Elvin world.

My destiny is to destroy it.


I stand back up quickly, knocking the stool over.

"No, No, No. That won't happen, it can't," I warn glaring at everyone in the room.

"But it will, child," Dedilly says quietly. Anger bursts and bubbles.

"Well, you're wrong. You're all wrong!" I shout, storming out of the cottage and slamming the door behind me. 

"Sophie, are you okay? What happened--"

"I want to go home," I say sternly, folding my arms into myself, and brushing past Luis to the Light Leaper 500.

I want to go home.

A/N: Hope it was worth it! Love you guys!

Thanks for Reading!





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