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Burns didn't know for how long or for how far she was running. Her heart kept contracting. Her lungs continued to desperately seek for air. Sweat was actually dripping out of her pores. She was gasping terribly but she didn't care. She was exasperated but she could not care. Burns' feet kept pounding the ground, she kept running, her limbs already brought a burning sensation in her veins but she could not stop. Not until, she tripped over a huge rock. Burns fell and stumbled. Her knees bled together with her heart. And she wept.

The moment Burns had packed up her belongings and called Dona, she wasted no time to escape the inn. It was a horrific event to all of a sudden see Rosalie Ramos. She was not expecting everything to be that fast, to be so horrendous. She did not even thanked the servants who picked her up from the inn, she just ran. Burns ran and ran and now she was sobbing on the ground.

Her mind swelled in confusion and questions. It was maddening to all of a sudden see Rosalie- Rosalie Ramos, the real life version of her father's drawings back in Sicily and she could not be wrong. Burns knew those forbidden sketchbooks from the inside out. She could never forget the 100 pages book filled with her father's sketch of Saint Rosalia- no, it was actually Rosalie Ramos. One hundred pages. There was not even a blank page. It was filled with Rosalie Ramos' face and figure. Back then, Burns would always wonder who could the person be and thought that her father was probably just obsessed with the idea of Saint Rosalia, which made sense for Saint Rosalia was the patron saint of Palermo in Italy but Burns could never ever thought about her father's sketches to be a real person. It meant that he knew who Rosalie Ramos was- he knew her and why her?

Furthermore, Harriett had been really nervous about her being in Santa Lucia specifically when the old lady mentioned her neighbours, which did not make sense to Burns from the very beginning. Thinking about it rationally today, the closest neighbour she had was definitely the Ramos family where Rosalie Ramos, her father's model in his sketches, lived. Although she never had the chance to know whether her biological mother was alive or not, Burns just assumed that she was. When she asked her father about it he told her that she was alive and that was all she knew. But what if her father was lying? Her mother could've been dead. The chances of her real mother being alive were 50:50. Or perhaps he was not lying at all. After seeing Rosalie Ramos standing so gloriously behind the large window, behind the piano she just played, it was incredulous. Burns could not be certain for sure but the facts behind her head were too discrete. What if her father purposely booked her a flight in Santa Lucia for Burns to see her biological mother?

"Cazzo!" Burns finally got the courage to stand. She then realised that she stopped at the middle of the field of dandelions in front of the infamous cliffs. With her tears still visible on her cheeks, clouds were all of a sudden blanketing the sun with notorious darkness. "Why?" Burns hissed unaware whether she was asking the weather or herself. She was wrathful about the idea of Rosalie and her father and then there she was- no, it could not be for sure. Rosalie Ramos could not be her mother. She should not be. Never in her life she had imagined herself to be in this situation. It was too difficult to accept. Naturally, Burns was cold; she barely cared about things that were ridiculous and irrational. But it was an irrational thought wasn't it? She tried to stop herself from crying but she could not help it.

Burns had only woken up from misery when it started to rain. Her bones shivered along with her soul. She then fell on her knees again. The physical pain did not matter. The blood was being wash away by the rain anyway. It was pouring down and the wind was blowing harsh. Burns thought she was tough enough to face everything but obviously, she was wrong. The spasm of pain in her bleeding heart was worse than she could ever imagine. Her days and nights were getting shorter; she didn't even know where they went. She was getting older; it was starting to show ever since she left her father ever since the revelations were getting harder to accept.

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