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Waking up with a funeral in my head was tough, however, without this melancholy, I don't think I'd be able to finish or even write this story. Sometimes, I still don't understand how something this destructive can initiate a soul for a new better creation? And because I hate the world so much, here, I have allowed myself to establish all those absurdities I encountered as I progress through my existence. So, I thank you for reaching this far. For being able to bear my agonies and sorrows and griefs and turmoils.

I have to admit that although Torment really tormented me, writing has brought a huge amount of satisfaction in my life. And no votes or comments can reach that gratification. I thank Ellie and Ris, for encouraging me dearly to type and publish Torment. I thank God, for constantly guiding me through my journeys everyday, yes I believe in Him and I have faith in my religion. I thank the authors who inspired me, that included the living and the dead. I also thank those people who quantified me, without them I don't think this story is even possible. And of course my readers, thank you for bearing with my language and faulty grammars. Thank you for tolerating with this story. Thank you very much.

In truth, this story is written to be intolerable for everyone. This story is not perfect. I have trouble with my tenses and grammars and really, when I tried to read my chapters again it's so cringe, some of the words doesn't even make sense. I hardly expect someone to appreciate or even like this story. To be honest, I was very surprised when people started messaging me. It was a thrilling feeling, and until now, I have always been ecstatic about it. The moment I finished my first draft I even thought that I wouldn't be able to publish this at all. Anxieties and existential crises can hit you hard sometimes so it really took me a while before I finally decided to publish Torment. But now it's done (well, literally it is but not really, I know what you're thinking). I promised to finish this story before I turned 18 and I'm glad I did. I know not everyone will like this story because if everyone did, there's something wrong with the world then.

As I progress through every chapter, you have no idea how happy I am to read some of you publicly expressing their opinions of how they are able to imagine the scene. Now, this makes me really, really happy. I remembered my teacher once said that an effective story means that the writer would only do 50% of the work and the reader would complete the other 50% of it. I provide the describing words, the smell, the taste, the similes and metaphors, allegories, symbols and you imagine it like a movie. And at least I hope at some point in the story you actually did imagine and feel it the way it is supposed to be.

Spending time mostly in my solitude has brought enormous amount of realisation in my life. I still and would always be, apologising for being gone for a long time. The extremities of all the things that happened would always remain in my memory but as I always said to myself, I never and would never regret being in the fandom.

I would like to give special thanks for those people who relentlessly support and message me every time I have an update. You know who you are. I did not give any dedications to anyone, if you notice because I promised from the very beginning that this story is already dedicated for those people who will be bothered reading this.

Yes, I know my ramblings are taking forever but I also want to acknowledge those readers who are either shocked, annoyed or joyful with my epilogue. It is unfinished. And yes, it is a cliff hanger because I don't want your imagination to end. As Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution".

Thank you ❤️

PS: And please, please don't ask me whether this story will have a Book 2 or not. I will be finishing my senior year very soon. My trials, our art exhibition and my actual hsc is coming pretty quickly I don't think I can focus on writing this upcoming months (and I hate part 2s). But who knows? I might publish something special instead.

Sincerely yours,


[I will be organising my references; that include the songs, music, books, and photos that I used just in case someone accused me of plagiarism or copyright issues with the things that I used in this story, so expect another chapter very soon. And that's also for people who are interested of course, I'll add some recommendations too if you want to read a much, much better story.]

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