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First Day of School,New year,New grade,Same Life,Same friends,white shirt,purple,black and white school tie tied around my collar,black school pullover on top,purple,black and white school blazer in my hands,my grey pants on,my boys buccaneer school shoes on,light blue adidas bag on my back sagged to reach the backside of my thighs walking to my friends house in the early hours of dawn.....

I knock on the door with our secret door knock and open the door....opening the door i see her brown barbie doll-Chinese eyes excited and ready for school,fuck i wished i felt the same,her school shoes neatly polished,her tie neatly placed moving down her full chest,my is she truly gifted with breast.

I call over to her to snap her out of her gaze,"Leshipa,girl,lets get on with the program if you mind" i say,"Girl I'm tryna look for my umbrella" she says,"Well you not gon' fucken find it on my ass you bitch" i say jokingly,"My friend your ass though.....fucken suits my needs" she says "Girl we spoke about this....I'm not Les,bio,or trans so for the last time no I'm not gonna make out,date or confide in you,get yourself a kind of your own somewhere else and move your tiny ass of the couch and and out of this door if you mind?","Whatever its your loss baby girl"she says.

Lesheripa Thomas- 17 coloured,Lesbian and hot....

Leshipa the nickname i give her because as black as i am,i cannot pronounce her name. Leshipa my first and last lesbian best friend in the whole world,fuck she's a handful,she seems to stir trouble but can never in a million years fix it.....i guess you could call her ghetto...or rachid perhaps.....

Walking Leshipa and i cross a couple of active railroads the quickest way to school,talking and talking about an ex of mine who past away when after a date we had parted ways and right in front of my eyes he got bumped by a silver and black Mercedes Benz truck 9" tall the saddest day of my life besides his funeral his name was Nkuli age 19 and studying law at TUKS one of the best rowers in the country i guess he was my inspiration,he made me love rowing so much i promised him the day of his funeral i'd finish where he started in rowing....

Talking about Nkuli brought back painful memories of his death and funeral,discussing how i should've acted at the funeral,i suddenly felt as if we were being either watched or followed Leshipa commented "Girl but that funeral was the shit i still cant believe you dated the Minister's son...." Pausing her i felt a cold hand touch my shoulder i told Leshipa to look behind me but funny enough she didn't see a thing i told her i feel as if something or someone is tyna get my attention but she thought i was crazy or trying to scare her,we continued walking,walking on i still felt those shoulder pats or touches i felt really scared.

Crossing a very busy road to get across to the school,i felt something push me back as to say i shouldn't walk now something was about to happen and so i stopped Leshipa and counted to 10,after ten i could not believe my eyes three cars were trying to all cross the red robot at different angles heading my direction....but swerved and hit each other in the garden of a hotel opposite my School.

I sat down panted as if i were taking a 7km jog and didn't stop running,i suffered from anxiety so in my shocked suffered from both an asthma and anxiety attack,then i blacked out.....😴

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