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We all sit in the Morelia Family room,in silence, everyone wanting to hear what will happen next but no one wants to say the wrong thing, these people have been so nice to me how can I ever thank or repay their kindness. "So Lwazi ,tell us more about yourself?", Mr Morelia suggests. "Oh my there's a lot, where do you want me to start-?"
Mrs Morelia buds in "Where are you from?" before I can finish my sentence.

"Next door..." I say looking puzzled, "No what ma means is originally ", says John. "Oh well I'm from South Africa-" ,"Oh Africa!" John's father cuts in. I grin and nod "Yes Africa Mr Morelia." , "Tell me about your parents next door sweetly?" Mrs Morelia insists. "Well,one is my parent , the other some random lady who just happened." ," Why do you describe of her like that?" She continues. "The only thing that woman has brought into my life is pain and anger." "What do you mean?" John asks. "John! If Lwazi is uncomfortable she will stop talking-" ," No it's fine , I really feel it's the right thing to do, since I'm under your roof." I cut in Mrs Morelia. " I'll start my story on the the first day of school..."

Zunga's POV
"Honey I'm stepping out for a bit." Naprasha says "Okay love" I answer back. This is my chance I grab my keys and get the black 80's mustang we found in the garage when we moved here, very nice car, still fresh. 5minutes after Naprasha gets out of the house I open my tracker app and start following the red dot. I follow the dot and it leads me to a dodgy side of town, never seen it in my life.

I park my car two blocks away from the dot and start walking towards the dot. As I get closer yelling and screaming is all I hear in a abandoned house. I wait outside and hear voices of pleading coming from the inside of the house, I hear a saw as if cutting down some hard element like a tree. Then I hear Naprasha, she threatens the victim, telling them how much trouble they in and it's consequence. I take my cellphone out at once and I start recording the voices, then I feel a cold metal object held to my head.

A loud deep voice says "Go in" , so I follow the instructions. As I enter the room, the voice talks in a foreign language I don't understand as if telling Naprasha something, Naprasha looks back, "Zunga ?" She says and I run off to the car, and just start driving.

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