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I reach the front of a metal door,sealed with thick large metal bolts,the reminds me of the door of a cold room. I ask myself questions on where they were taking me and whats in this room the police officer who looks like he is the Station Commander opens the door alongside him i see the detective.

'What!,it's that lady Marveen,she's a detective.....' I say in my mind she passes me with a very warm smile the kind i never got ever since i told everyone I'm Lesbian,"Leshipa." She says with that same familiar voice,she nods and points in the dim lighted room with two chairs and a table between. The officer behind me pushes me in and and i trip and fall just at the corner of the table,i look up in disgust and cuss and the officer in my head,the officer looks at me and says "You'll be back soon so enjoy this while you still can."

I did not understand what he meant,but it suddenly made a flashback in my head about what that dirty scoundrel T-Praw had said to me.

Standing up i felt a sudden weakness overcome my body as i hadn't eaten breakfast since yesterday morning when we left for school and Lwazi's incident happened. I took a seat on the cold hard plastic chair,placed my arms on the table and placed my bruised-messed up face in a sleeping position on the table.

Marveen whispered to me "Your clean it was all an accident and you can go home but first,please answer these few questions" i raised my head in excitement as i heard i could go home my torn,painful lips tried to stretch into a smile but were too painful to move."Alright,Thomas lets get started,15 January 2016 This is detective Marveen Cronjê following on the case 2499043,So Ms Thomas where were you on the scene of Ms Mhlana's-(Lwazi) Attack?",i stared at her in amazement it was as if this was a joke,where was i what type of question was that like for bloody sakes obviously i was with my best friend...she interrupted my thoughts with her palm giving a very loud bang on the metal table "Ms Thomas answer the question!" I swallowed my spit and replied "Well,detective i was right next to her","Next question,before she supposedly fell to the ground what can you remember?","Well,Uhm,..."i couldn't bare the feeling anymore it hurt so bad,i started crying uncontrollably.


I felt really bad for asking that question but truth was it had to be asked i hate reminding people of trauma but i guess its part of my job.

I'm Marveen Cronjê I'm a very kind detective but i would do anything to save my job,I value it probably that's why I'm still single and have no kids at the age of 34,i live with my ex boyfriend who still for some reason my roommate i enjoy his company,but i get pissed when i see different girls coming in and out of my apartment.Back to the story

So now Leshipa is crying every time a tear drops down her cheek onto the floor my heart feels as if a piece is being taken away from it 1 by 1,we have this strange unbelievable bond that the universe has created i feel like I'm her mother and I'm responsible for whatever happens to her,i paid bail for her because her father was too distracted to listen to me over the phone,the father seems like a disturbed fella it's like it's as if he's lost something so valuable in his life.

"Leshipa,honey,lets finish this whole thing so that we can get going my love." I say,she looks up at me with her very beautiful brown,Chinese eyes filled with tears,she asks with a puzzled look "We can get going?" She asks "I'll explain later,just answer my question for now"


Still puzzled i wipe my tears and begin "Well,Lwazi came yesterday to fetch me so that we could walk to school... Then...." I continued

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