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"Where am i?,What am i doing here?",a very pale looking lady dressed in a nurses outfit with her purple bob cut and blue eyes looks at me after fiddling with some equipment."Deary me sleeping beauty is awake its a miracle,hey kid I'm Annabel Trolloski and you my dear mustn't move a wink until your doctor arrives"she leans down to give me the most coldest kiss I've received,it was as if my whole body shrivelled up when she had given me a peck on my forehead.

Wiping the remains of her sticky lip gloss off my forehead,i hear a very deep manly voice calling my name as if being summoned i scan the room carefully looking if maybe my parents were here,scanning the room i see nothing but walls and a glass door,outside it nurses passing by.

I see my cell phone on the charger next to me i grab it,surprised i come across my never ending passwords the first being a pattern,"Crap,all this has made me forget my pattern!" I scream. I see a note attached at the back of my phone saying 'Hid your phone from your parents as soon as i heard you were awake i rushed over and told Annabel to keep it away from your parents cause when i arrived it was a false alarm. Call me when you get your phone Lwazi i love you and miss you girl.'

I smiled and behind the letter saw my pattern and words that said 'PS I THOUGHT YOU WOULD'VE FORGOTTEN YOUR PATTERN SO I DREW IT FOR YOU' after seeing the pattern i thought to myself that Leshipa was my true and only friend without her i would've been dead,#deathbyparents.

I drew the password and entered my phone,while open i quickly went to the settings and changed the password before i forgot it again. Changing my password i heard the similar voice from before, i looked immediatly at the door and saw that same face i saw when i woke up out of control the last time,that face similar to the love of my life Nkuli. I closed my eyes and opened them once more,with a warm welcoming smile i saw the stranger yet again.

"Nkuli?" I questioned out loud, the familiar figure responded "My first lady...", immediately after hearing those words a huge sob came streaming down my eyes,remembering how much he used to respect me,even though he was about 4 years older than i was."No but Bae if you cry how on earth should i cry with you,i don't got no tears please my love,stop,I'm here for you." He walked closer to the left side of my bed.

"Nkuli how did you?,but your?","I know I'm dead,but for some reason the gods have allowed me to reveal myself to you,my love whenever you want me I'm always a think away,oh and cause now that you can see and talk to spirits your a medium for other spirits as well so don't runaway from this job or else our contact will be taken away by the gods themselves.", i did not understand but i ignored "Nkuli for you I'll do anything..." As soon as i wanted to finish my sentence a call from Leshipa appeared on the screen of my phone,"Answer it he says.

I blow him a kiss and whisper "Thank you",he winks back at me as i answer the call."Hello...?","My Bitch you really awake,like I'm not dreaming right...?","No ways my love there's no fucken time for dreaming like you gotta come over to this hospital like as in yesterday.","Girl I'm way ahead of you,halfway there."

"Good" i say,then drop the call and summon Nkuli with my mind he appears and says "You called for me...?","I wanna catch up.","What do you have to know cause I've been dead,remember?","Fuck it feels like you real though","Enjoying my company i see?","Hell yeah..."

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