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I wake up feeling so weak,it was as if i was mingling with the dead for a few minutes,i rise from the bed thinking it's the first day of school i scan the room and realise I'm in a hospital room i feel some cold liquid enter my body i look down my left hand and see three different needles with tubes sticking out of them, i panic and hear a machine start beeping loudly,i panic even more as nurses enter the room flying to my bed they try and hold me down as i start kicking and screaming,"What am i doing here?, what the hell am i doing here?" I see an odd figure that almost looks like my ex boyfriend Nkuli,smartly dressed and looking towards me with a smile leaning against my hospital bedroom door and suddenly he disappears. Out of no where i feel a needle being stuck in my right arm and feel a cold liquid entering.

Suddenly i feel woozy,dizzy and numb,fuck these nurses sedated me,then i pass out...


Its been 10 days and I'm not allowed to visit my best-friend,i wake up on the 24th feeling unwanted,useless and angry,1.because my own father cares about work more,2.I'm in Marveen's apartment sitting on my bed and staring outside the grey looking sky,today at least it's interesting because it's raining,it's as if the Earth knew that a very important person is fighting for her life in hospital...Disturbing my thoughts Marveen rushes into my room,which was her guest bedroom and says,"Lela.." Thats what she calls me now "She's awake" my sadness is now soaked up by the smile on my healed lips,i jump out of the bed,get washed and dress up.

On our way to the hospital i ask Marveen as she cautiously stares at the road while driving in the rain,"Is she really awake or did you just want me to get out of the house with you.","Both" she replies. I smile at her and kiss her on the cheek and say "Thank you Marveen,for everything","Don't worry yourself Princess" she says,i stare up at her remembering my mom use to call me princess, i felt really safe with Marveen i felt like she was there as my mom and she supported me in whatever and i was thankful for that...

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