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"Wow my child! Why didn't you tell us any sooner about this?" Mr Morelia asks "Well Sir—" " no no papa" "okay papa, I feel family stuff should be kept in family", "If they were your family surely they wouldn't harm you, and we are your family now" . I sat in silence the idea of having John's family as my own shook me.

Zungas POV
"That will be R400 for the night" the lady said "But I barely even touched you", "sir rules are rules I will have to explain to my boss where I went and if I don't cough up the money they'll kill me." I took out R400 and handed it to her, it had been a week since I last heard from Naprasha that skank, maybe Lwazi was right she probably killed Marveen. I've been living with a murderer? My baby boy I hope he is alright he—*Iphone chime* "This number has been calling me the whole week I wonder who it is, it's probably Naprasha" I then rejected the call. What is my journey tonight going to be wait, I need to look for Lwazi- my baby girl I haven't seen her in weeks I wonder if she's doing okay.

Naprasha VOP
"We've been calling your husband all week and we have to discharge you but we can't with no payment and plus the child is really ill so find your husband by the end of the day." Oh my word how could Zung do this where is he does he not know that this is a hospital number. If I called him he would never pick up, but let me try. *ring ring* "Hello, look Naprasha leave me alone!" "Wait Zunga I gave birth!" "What which hospital are you in?" The hospital close to the harbor" "Okay stay put I'm coming" "It's not like I can go anywhere I'm chained to the bed." I mumble "What, Wait you'll explain when I get there"

Zungas POV
I finally get to the hospital the nurse tells me that my baby is healthy, Thank God that's all I want. I finally see him, my word, words cannot express what I'm feeling right now, "My son! My son! My precious baby boy...Lwazi your brother..." then I remember I lost my baby girl, oh lord wherever she is keep her safe and near I'm going to look for her after I deal with Naprasha. I finally get to Naprasha's room two police officers stand in-front of her door, "Is she arrested?" I ask the nurse. "Yes sir she was brought in by these two kind gentlemen from prison." I open the door and see her, tears, powerful tears, stream down my eyes, "Naprasha, WHY!?" as soon as I lift my voice the police officers barge in "No officers it's okay we're just talking." Then they exit. She looks up to me with guilt then suddenly cries.

Naprasha POV
Why was I so stupid? "Look Zunga  I know what I do is wrong but I ask, can we discuss it some other time we have important things to face right now." He rolls his eyes at me. "Zunga the hospital needs money and you are the only person with access to the medical aid.", "Oh so you want money!? Is that the reason you wasted my time?" I look at him stunned and hand him the medical. "I'm only paying for my son to get discharged." He says "As for you, you're the states issue" Then He storms off.

Zunga POV
The nerve of that woman though. How could she. Who does she think she is? I'm spinning with questions that cannot be answered. I make my way to the reception. "Out of the way, people." The paramedic screams. Wait who's that the stretcher passes I lock eye's with the patient...wait... "Lwazi!"

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