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Standing there in horror and dread,fuck my beautiful friend six-feet-under the dirty,muddy and lifeless ground,"Wake up you fucken,mad bitch,stop if this is one of your games stop it girl." I sob very hard,forgetful of our surroundings i feel in pain as if dagger is being stabbed through my heart. "No Lwazi! Just not today girl,wake up" I push her,poke her,and slap her still no response.

I'm scared very scared not cause Lwazi is unconscious,but what will i say when i get to her mom,that woman scares me especially cause I've seen Lwazi with bruises onher body that she tries so hard to hide and the screams and shouts that come from that house every night and morning,god forbid i go down the grave with Lwazi,"Lwazi stop fucking around show life you bitch..."as soon as i take out the most horrendous word,A very attractive,curvy lady with a oval long soft face,maroon hair,hour-glass figure and tall model like........my type.

This woman tries to cheer me by patting my back.....this gorgeous lady reminding me of my own mother, my mother who decided to leave me at the age of 5 without saying good-bye to me,i become more angry as i look at this woman resembling her to my mom my loving,caring,young,gorgeous mother.

Soon after being stopped from slapping Lwazi by the paramedics i turn to the woman and give her a huge hug as if i saw my mom once more and she was back to say good-bye properly,but all that was a joke she was just some random attractive stranger who came out of no-where...

"Girlie,what were you two doing hm....?" She says with a familiar Afrikaner voice,i answer by saying "Well ma'am..." She pauses me "Call me Marveen" she says "Well Marveen,we were about to cross the robot and then my friend,Lwazi pulled me back and then out of the blue 3 cars came crashing each other,then Lwazi started shaking and,and,and......"a police officer came over and paused us he took his cuffs and told me "You're under arrest for the attempted murder of this little girl being rushed to the hospital" in amazement i sobbed harder and looked at Marveen and said "Help,me...","Shut up little girl not a word from you".

He roughly cuffed me tight and pushed me to a police van,Marveen kept screaming at the officer "She didnt do anything nothing, the girl just fell and she assisted,she's innocent,She's innocent!"

PointlessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora