6- The Girl Talks

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One of the best parts of college is that every night is a sleep over. Not just with my sister but with all of our friends too. I mean, our friends don't always sleep at our apartment but even on Monday nights like this, we can all cuddle up onto the couch and watch movies for hours on end and if we stay up too late and they don't feel like going back to their own places, they crash on the couch or in our beds.

Eating popcorn and wining about too much homework as we bond over cheesy 80s movies.

"I want my own John Cusack," Carmen says with a mouthful of popcorn beside me. "Not him from the 80s but I want current day, old man John Cusack. I could use a B-list sugar daddy."

"That's so gross," Lynn cringes in response. "He's like, fifty."

"I have to pay these college loans somehow," She justifies. "And he's kind of cute so it's not a total sacrifice. You can keep your self-respect but I would be debt-free by the time we graduate."

"But look at that face," Tess argues. "He has such a sad puppy face, nobody with that face can be good at sex."

"He doesn't have to be good at it, he just has to have a lot of money," Carmen says. "Which he does."

"I'd consider it," Lana sides with Carmen on the matter. "I mean, aren't older guys supposed to be more experienced and everything?"

"He's famous though, he probably doesn't have to try very hard," I object. "So he really probably isn't very good."

"For free tuition, he could have a potato down there for all I care," Carmen shrugs, shoving another handful of popcorn into her mouth.

"That would hurt like hell," Tess says with a small laugh.

"Do you guys not understand the concept of free tuition?" She raises her eyebrows at us. "When John Cusack comes begging to be my sugar daddy, I'm only sharing my money with Lana and then you'll all see."

"Damn. Right," Lana high fives Carmen as the other three of us just roll their eyes at them. "Sutton would take the deal too if she didn't already have a boo."

"Wait, what? Who?" Carmen demands quickly and now, thanks to my sister, all eyes are on me.

"Nobody," I insist but they apparently believe Lana over me because nobody seems to be buying it. "I just like this guy but it's nothing. He comes into the library a lot on my shifts and he's really cute but I've only talked to him once and it was just to help him find a book."

"He's apparently very cute," Lana adds when she decides that I'm not spilling enough details to our friends. "His name is Josh."

"Jonah," I correct her. "Not that it matters."

"It matters," Tess insists and Lynn nods in agreement. "Come on, that's exciting. You haven't even talked about a guy since last year. What's his last name? I'll look him up on Facebook."

"I don't know his last name," I mutter with a small sigh. "We didn't exchange information or anything."

"Okay well whatever it is, I'm all for it," Lynn assures me. "Lord knows my love life is bone dry so I need to live vicariously through you losers."

"We're all bone dry at the moment," Carmen mumbles bitterly.

"Lana's fucking a frat boy," I announce for all of them just to get back at her for telling them about my pathetically one-sided thing with Jonah. Just as expected, everybody turns to look at her expectantly for a response.

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