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Thank you guys so much for reading this! I'm a huge nerd when it comes to Halloween so I decided that most every day I was going to write about our angels and hunters in different scary things. Some spoopy and others gore.

If you guys have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to tell me.

I might actually keep this going into November depending on how many ideas I have. Just a fair warning.

AND I'll be doing one in December.

So mark(iplier) you calendars because you're in for it now. I will now shut up and let you guys read 😂


This first one is gonna be what happens BEFORE all of the Trickster stuff.

'Twas a night in October when all through the bunker,
Came the sounds of a sleepy angel and a moose who had never been drunker.

See, Gabriel is dead. He's been dead a few months now, and it still hurt Cas and Sam. Dean tried his best to help them both, but it was tonight that they'd both just... given up.

Sam had drank way too many beers and was singing about how much he had loved Gabe (not like he'd ever say it to the angel's face even if he WAS alive) and then bursting into tears. He would stumble about the kitchen, drinking himself sillier than he was.

Cas had the hardest time sleeping. He would always be lost in thought, crying himself to sleep. Dean could barely watch the sight, but he forced himself to, in case Cas needed him.

For Dean, Gabe's death was awful. Not because he'd had a connection, but because he hated seeing his angel - THE ANGEL - and his baby bro like this.

The oldest Winchester finally crept back to his room, making sure Sam was in his bed after passing out and Cas had been lost to sleep. He crawled under his sheets and stared at the ceiling.

"Why did you have to die?" he asked. He knew Gabe wouldn't hear it, being dead and all, but the words brought himself a little comfort.

Dean was soon fast asleep, his arms curled tightly around a pillow. He didn't even realize what he had just done.

Oh, but Chuck had. He laughed and looked over at Gabriel, who was intently staring at the floor. "You're going back," he said. "It's time."

Gabe's head snapped up and he grinned. "I do?"

Chuck nodded. "Yes. I can't have my ships sinking, now can I?" He chuckled (see how funny I am? *insert cheesy grin here*) and shook his head.

"Your what?"

He waved it off. "Nothing, son, just go wreak havoc, get your moose, hug your brother, and make remarks about the other one."

Gabe nodded, his happiness flowing around him. Chuck hadn't seen that much light in the angel's eyes since he'd "died."


Gabe appeared in the bunker, folding his wings behind him. He made them invisible again and peered about the room. No one to be seen.

"Oh whale," he muttered to himself. "Guess they'll just have to deal, then."

Gabe snapped his fingers and suddenly they were gone. Their surroundings rushed up into place, dark and twisted. Team Free Will were curled up on the road, still asleep.

With yet another snap, Dean was up in a tower and Cas was in the middle of a graveyard. Gabe had fastforwarded from the first of the movie. This was a suitable enough part.

He looked at Sam, his sweet moose. His smirk changed to a gentle smile and he snapped one last time, placing them in an apartment in London.

I will have the first official part up either tonight or tomorrow night depending on what I need to do school wise.

Any guesses on what Destiel and Sabriel are in? One of them is a famous movie and the other is famous on YouTube.

Thank you guys so much for reading and I will see y'all in the next update!

P.S. The chapters will be SOOOOOO much longer than this little tiny one.

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