New Years

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Since Sabriel is my OTP and I can actually write them... this might be longer than my normal chapters for this.

And hey, this might be the last update for it.

Depending on what you guys think, I could make a sort of epilogue. But that's all up to you guys.

Sam had never had a New Year's Kiss. Crazy, right? This year, though, was going to be a different story.

Dean and Cas had just gotten back from the liquor store. Normally they would have just snapped it into existence, but Dean had stopped them, saying he wanted to pick out some things.

Let's just say, they had a lot of alcohol.

Gabe had decided to make rum cookies and was now eating them by the handful. Not like it would affect him to eat it, but it was still kind of unnerving. How many of those things could one guy eat?

He looked up at Sam, licking his lips as he finished the last one. The moose couldn't help the quick, sharp glance he sent to Gabe's mouth. The things the archangel did without even knowing...

"Color me bored, Sammich," he said with a sigh. "I have nothing to do now."

Well... no. Sam, stahp. You're not allowed to think stuff like that. Bad Sam. Bad. Do we need to get out the water spraying device thing?

As you can see, the author has a way with words.

"Come watch the tv, then," Sam suggested, reigning in his thoughts.

Gabe crawled onto the couch, laying next to Sam. There were ten minutes until midnight.

"Hey, Sam?"


"Have... have you ever had a New Year's Kiss?" Gabe bit his lip, meeting Sam's eyes.

Sam shook his head, eyes wide. "No, I actually haven't," he admitted.

Gabe smiled. "Well, I happen to know a guy that's fallen for this really tall moose who has also never been kissed on New Year's," he murmured suggestively.

"Sounds promising," Sam returned. "How long?"

Gabe looked away. "The whole reason I did what I did back then was because I liked you more than I ever had any other person. I just kept falling."

The Winchester kissed his forehead. "It's a good thing I fell for you then, too."

Gabe giggled and glanced at the tv. "One minute."

He turned his attention back to Sam. "Do I get that kiss?"

Sam smirked, pulling Gabe up and dragging him into his lap gently. With a wink he pressed his lips to the archangel's, his hands against his waist to keep him there.

Gabe wrapped his arms around Sam's neck, kissing back slow and sweet, pulling them closer together. He'd been waiting for this, waiting to know how their kiss would be.

It was electric.

One second their kiss was a waltz, slow and smooth, the next it was honey, sweet and promising. It changed to a waterfall, growing to be rushed, then died to a gentle flame, a saccharine passion.

Oh hell was it addictive.

When they finally drew away, Gabe nuzzled into Sam's neck. "I love you," he whispered.

Sam smiled, holding his angel close. "I love you, too."

So I'm fangirling...

Is this the end? Or should I do a little epilogue full of cheesiness? Your choice.

See y'all soon!


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