Halloween Wars

388 21 52

Hey guys! What's happenin? What's shaking?

Dear Heavens above, salt and burn me now before I say something else like that.

I'm so sorry that this is late! I've been freakishly busy and haven't had much of a chance to work on this particular story. I'm not sure whether or not I'll shift it into the next holiday or not...

Onward with the Halloween glitter!!!! (What even, me?)

Gabe was confused. Sam had almost kissed him. He was thrilled and shocked, but he couldn't understand why the hunter had done it. Was he... just following his role?

That must have been it. Sam wouldn't want to actually kiss him in his right mind, and since Gabe's an archangel, he knows that those two British guys actually do that. So he had to have playing his role.

Because Sam won't love him. He knows this. It's just... harder to accept it.

Shaking off his feelings, he put on his regular smirk and sat in one of the three chairs lined up just outside of the kitchen. Beside him was a confused looking Castiel and a bored Alfie.

"Gabriel?" Cas asked, his eyes wide.

"That's me, lil bro," Gabe replied with a genuine smile. He nudged Cas fondly.

Alfie piped up, "Why'd you drag me into this?"

Gabe shrugged. "I figured you'd want to watch your boytoy cook. Isn't that all the rage these days?"

The younger angel looked away, flushing. Gabe smirked again, happy with himself.

"WELCOME TO HALLOWEEN WARS!" called a girl's voice from behind him. His smirk widened. So she was alive after all.

In front of the table suddenly stood the Winchesters, all three of them standing in utter confusion. Oh was it a sight that made Gabe happy.

Dean was dressed completely in pink. He glanced down at himself and screamed. On his head sat an equally pink cupcake, one of those fluffy ones on the headbands.

Sam had on plaid (Gabe felt like being slightly nice) with an insignia of moose antlers. His hair was pulled back in a pony tail low on his head.

Adam, however, was dressed in a... well, a dress. His face went pale when he looked at himself, then red with anger when Sam began laughing. On his head was a tophat, which believe it or not was one of Alfie's kinks. The angel shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

"This is the time for tricks and treats, and I've been waiting all year to watch you three compete!" The girl stepped to the side of the table into view, the lights making her stormy eyes sparkle.

"Neveah?" Dean and Sam asked at the same time. They shared a look.

"That's my name!" Neveah flicked her blonde hair.

Sam frowned. "Weren't you just with us yesterday? You know, when you turned Dean into a chick?"

She shook her head. "Technically no, now stop breaking the fourth wall and let me explain this!" The angel glared at them.

Sam and Dean lifted their hands in the air in surrender while Adam stood still, innocent as usual.

Neveah composed herself, straightening her posture. "Now then, you guys fight monsters for a living. Therefore, you have ample knowledge of the veil between good and evil. For this challenge, you each will have to carve a pumpkin and make a sugar treat."

The Winchesters all nodded. The challenge was simple enough. However, Neveah smirked. "You'll also have to use Cherry Panties."

Adam choked and looked at her in horror. "WHAT?"

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