Sabriel Pranking

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Basically this is just a conglomeration of their pranks. Probably. I just kinda write as I go... because that made sense, I think.

This was war. Gabe didn't know it yet, but Sam was his match. Not just romantically. There was no one else in the world, past, present, or future that had Sam's ability.

Chuck did create Sam and Gabe for each other, after all. And he made them pranking equals.

With Sam, nobody could match his speed and efficiency with which he did his pranks. He could calculate almost anything to do with them.

With Gabe, he was simply too devious, and stealthy enough to never get caught.

Sam smirked to himself in the mirror, holding a bottle of permanent die and a bracelet in his hands. "He thinks he can outprank me. How cute."


It was while Gabe was napping that Sam started his plan. He knew that the archangel loved showers, far more so than just snapping himself clean, so his plan would work like a charm.

Sneaking over, he took out the bracelet. Sam knelt down beside the couch, carefully making sure that Gabe was, indeed, asleep before clipping the bracelet around his wrist, making sure to lock it securely.

See, the thing about this bracelet is that not only does it cancel out all of the powers of the person wearing it, but it also is impossible to get off without the exact key, which Sam was going to make sure Gabe couldn't find.

He snickered to himself and went about setting up his next tricks.


When Gabe woke up, he didn't notice anything wrong. At first.

He sat up, yawning, lifting his arms above his head. His lips smacked and he lowered his limbs, spotting the bracelet secured to him.

"Sammy!" he yelled, his eyes glued to the object.

Shit, he thought to himself, this is one of those angelic ones, isn't it?

The moose appeared in the doorway. "Yeah?" he asked innocently.

"What's on my wrist?" Gabe asked, jingling it pointedly. Well, attempted to, anyways. It was pretty tight, after all.

Sam grinned. "A friendship bracelet. Which means you are now to the status of being able to braid my hair and do my nails. Feel special?"

Gabe snorted and rolled his eyes. "Try again, asswipe."

"Asswipe?" The hunter had the nerve to look offended. "If anything, I'm a smart ass. I also kiss ass if you're into that." He laughed and disappeared again.

Gabe's eyes widened. Was Sam Winchester, sauve moosey extrodinare, flirting with him? Not that he didn't like it, but why?

He snapped his fingers as a test. No Markiplier in a tutu appeared, so his suspicions were confirmed. No angel powers for him.

With a sigh, he ran a hand through his hair, his face scrunching up as he felt the oil in it. He quickly pulled it away, wiping it on his shirt.

Gabe stood and made his way to the bathroom, which, thank his dad, was empty. His feet made the smallest of sounds when he padded across it, one leg swinging back to shut the door. He stripped away his clothes and stepped into the shower, turning the hot water on and allowing it to blissfully run down him.

🐮🐮🐮 (That's about the only "moose" I got)

"SAAAAAAAM!" came a loud, angry shout.

Dean's eyes widened at the moose, who had dissolved into laughter, and exchanged a look with Cas. "What did you do?"

Sam shook his head, gesturing to his hair wildly, face red from laughing. "I got 'im good!" he cackled.

"Why did I give you permission to let this part of you out?" Dean grumbled. "Seriously, if the teachers knew it had been you, you'd have been in intensive therapy for months and been given pills to calm your lunacy."

Cas tilted his head. "Sam was not a behaved child?"

Sam snickered. "Cas, I was the Gabe of the school."

The angel's eyes widened.


"I think I'm genius," Sam replied, looking Gabe over with a smirk.

Gabe's clothes were pink and so were his hands, as well as a size too small. That size thing was just for the enjoyment of Sam, who took pleasure in getting to see his chest and exposed hip bones.

His hair had been dyed a sickly green color, mixed with a tinge of yellow. On his foot he dragged a bucket, and slime covered half of his face.

Dean fell into a laughter fit. "You did good, Sammy!" he exclaimed.

Cas looked at Gabe, confused. "Why is your appearance like that?"

Gabe pointed at Sam, who snickered and held up his hands. "This little shit happened," he grumbled.

"You're the one who challenged me," Sam sing-songed. "Not my fault I'm good at it." He got up and went to the fridge, grabbing an apple.

"Oh," he added, "Those were also the easy ones."


As the month went on, Gabe and Sam went full on call of duty with their pranks, to the point where Dean and Cas were so fed up that they went out to a hotel until Thanksgiving Day, when the two pranksters agreed to finally stop.

They'd hit each other with the old stuff and gotten away with some new pranks, too. By the morning of the 19, the two of them had completely wrecked the bunker.

The walls were splattered with multiple colors, looking like a tie-dyed blob. The furniture was in the same boat.

In the fridge was a bunch of food that wasn't exactly edible, most of which was filled with exlax of some sort.

The two of them were no better, their hair a variety of colors, skin colored upon, clothes mismatched and tampered with.

The worst part was that this was the most fun either of them had ever had.

Why is that the worst part?

Sam and Gabe didn't quite realize it because they were too caught up in pranks, but they had strengthened their bond. They had already been in love with each other, but this was a whole new level neither of them had known.

And you know what?

The author was going to keep them in the dark a little while longer.

I'm so bad at updating! Anyways, I got this up. I'm going to be working on a few other fanfics today, I think.

Probably my Phanfic, HT&HM, a new Septiplier one, and an ACTUAL ONE BECAUSE WHAAAAT???

~Adrenaline Revolution

This Octoberजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें