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This one's going to be pretty short, and I apologize for that, but it's on purpose. Especially since I may or may not do one about their feast tomorrow. I really don't know.

I'm also having a Sherlock marathon...

Sam and Gabe looked at the house and burst into laughter. This is the first time that they'd stopped pranking since they'd started, and reality hit them hard. With laughter.

"You know," Gabe commented after he calmed down. "I've never known someone that could prank as well as I could."

The archangel's eyes flashed to Sam's lips, and then quickly back to his gaze. He couldn't help it. The need to kiss the hunter was beginning to grow overwhelming.

For a moment, he could have sworn that Sam's eyes did the same. But that was utterly ridiculous, right?

Sam grinned. "I did try to warn you," he teased, something in his voice Gabe hadn't heard before.

The angel rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah."

"What now?" Sam asked, raising an eyebrow.

Gabe could think of a few things, but he knew the hunter wouldn't like most of them. So, instead, he said, "Pranks on our brothers?"



To say Dean was flat out pissed and Cas was practically smoking at the ears was an understatement.

Dean had gotten a call from Sam telling him that he and Gabe had stopped their war and that it was safe to come home. So, he had checked out of the hotel room and hopped in Baby, Cas beside him.

The second they got home, they were ambushed. And it got worse and worse.

Dean had a fluffy squirrel tail (Sam had let Gabe on the loose with his powers again) and his skin was a vibrant fushia. His face was caked in... well literal cake. His hair was flat to his head, soaked in a mixture of blue dye and brandy.

He'd taken a few beatings, everything from tripping on a perfectly positioned banana peel to running into a wall of clear tape. His ass was sore from one too many trips down the stairs, and his foot was held above the ground after a fatal smack against the wall of the shower.

Cas, on the other hand, was in a dress, hair down to his feet like he was a dark haired Rapunzel, two cat ears on his head and a curling tail behind him. His eyes were a mirage of gray scale, anger burning in them like a fire.

He'd suffered a good deal of his own, too. He'd gotten smacked on his head far too much, and his wings were now tiny and visible. He had taken about the same beating Dean had, aside from the shower incident.

Both of them were fed up with their brothers, and that was putting it so lightly it could rival a feather.

Sam and Gabe exchanged a look. The hunter sent a scared look to the archangel and suddenly he was cradled in Gabe's arms. With a smile at their brothers, they were gone.

Dean sighed and looked at Cas. "You want to shower, first?"

"You can go if you would like," the angel said quietly, looking away.

The Winchester nodded and began walking towards the bathroom, eyeing Cas. Before he disappeared, he called, "You can join, if you want!" His tone was jokingly, and Cas knew it, but Dean... he actually wanted for the angel to take him up on the offer.

Cas flushed. "No, thank you, Dean."

Dean bit his lip and nodded before the door closed.

Cas leaned back in a chair and closed his eyes. Why was life so difficult?

Again, sorry this is short. Once it gets Christmasy, I have a lot of stuff planned.

You guys are the best, and I wish all of you a great Thanksgiving! (Even if you don't celebrate).

~Adrenaline Revolution

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