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So here's the epilogue I promised y'all. This has been a fun one to write, guys. I've enjoyed it.

Thank you for the support.

The Winchesters carried on hunting, their lives riddles with happy and sad moments alike.

Like when Sam had told Dean about him and Gabe. The wall had never been the same.

Sam had eventually taken Gabe as his husband, and Dean had done likewise with Cas. The brothers became immortal like their partners, carrying on with their work and their lives, so much happier to have their angels by their sides.

Their children, once grown, left the house. They became doctors and philosophers, others taking up the hunts, some living their lives on the screen.

The Winchesters, four of them now, watched their kids grow, eventually seeing grandchildren, and oh how they were spoiled.

Many lives came from these two sets of brothers. They got the privilege of being a part of a loving family, something they hadn't known in years. They watched the changes and the growth from the sidelines, proud of what they'd done.

Of course, the pain of watching their own children age when they didn't, and then having to watch them die, wore down on them. Chuck welcomed the Winchesters into Heaven with open arms. Their children awaited them with smiles and tears, happily reunited.

Cas and Dean spent their days in Heaven visiting their friends in the Roadhouse. Sam and Gabe spent it traveling, seeing the world as Heaven saw it.

Sabriel also became a family to the children who had died early, taking them to their peaceful, oceanside house until their parents would arrive.

Their lives were told for centuries, recorded for the world to remember. They were never forgotten, nor would they ever be.

And one descendant took the book into her hands, signing her name at the end of the page, her account done. She'd done her job.

She placed it on the shelf, running her fingers lightly across the bold title, smiling to herself. Someday, someone would come across the book and read it. And when that day came, people would remember that one October, all those years ago.

That epilogue probably wasn't the best, I know. I really couldn't think of the best way to finish it off, so my brain went to this.

Well, that was it, guys. The last update you'll get ever get the notification on from this book.

It's been good. I hoped you liked it like I did.

If you like my writing, I have like 7 Supernatural books published.

Thanks for reading.

Signing off for the last time,


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