The Nightmare Before Christmas

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My day has been sooooo long! I haven't even left the school and its nine at night. Ok so technically I walked to another part of town at seven for an activity, but still. I haven't been free until nowish.

Ok so technically it's the next day and I'm just chilling now.

Anyways I've found time to write.

Dean woke up in a tower. No, it wasn't in a dress with freakishly long hair. Instead, he was wearing a Santa suit. He looked down at his hands, stiffling a scream.

He was a freaking skeleton. Shaking, Dean raced over to a mirror and screamed again. He had no skin; he was a mass of bones and empty eyes.

Dean backed away and ran, finding his way, panicked, out of the tower. Where was everyone? Cas? Sam? He had to find them.


When Cas woke up, he immediately noticed his lack of powers. He frowned and looked down at himself, noticing the peculiar colors of his new clothing.

"Where am I?" he muttered to himself. He picked himself up from the ground, glancing around. Everything was a dark, and it reminded him of a movie that he and Sam watched every time Dean was gone. The Nightmare Before Christmas, was it?

He remembered this character, he thought. Sally, correct? He found himself a puddle and gazed into it, tilting his head. Yes, Sally was the right character.

Strangely, he wasn't panicking. He knew that only person could have done this, and apparently that someone was alive. Sam would be happy. Perhaps happier than Cas, himself, would be if his theory was proved correct.

Now, where was Dean?

~~~ Time skip because the author needs to get past this part quicker than she is at the moment ~~~

Dean, who had finally figured out the movie he'd been dumped in, had been forced to sing. Quite a few times, actually.

He'd met a dog, too. The people here were seriously insane and had problems. Who mixes Halloween with Christmas?

So where was he now? He was in the middle of snow. Dean listened to the people here exclaim as he waltzed by, heading towards the graveyard. That's where Cas was, the person who had tried to help him through thick and thin and he had brushed it off. The Cas that Dean had been so overly in love with, even before he was dumped here.

As he neared the gates, his eyes immediately found the figure of the Tim Burton Cas. He had a flower in his hand as he slowly bent down to sit in the snow. It twirled daintily in his fingers, the bright pink an offset to the brilliant white around him.

Dean slowly stepped up to the base of the hill, allowing the movie to work. He remembered this moment - ending with Jack kissing Sally. His heart pounded just thinking of it.

Little did he know, Cas was, too.


Cas anticipated this moment. Both of them had played their roles just so they could have this. He bit his lip as he felt the small tinge of cold brush against him.

"My dearest friend," came a smooth voice from behind him. Cas turned, knowing Dean was there.

"If you don't mind," Dean continued, smiling, stepping hesitantly forward. "I'd like to join you by your side. Where we can gaze into the stars."

Cas shyly took up Dean's grin, his heart hammering. He added his voice to the other man's and they began to sing together. "And sit together, now and for ever."

By now they were close. Cas had stood, reaching out for Dean as Dean reached for him. "For it is plain as anyone can see, we're simply meant to be."

This was the moment. Cas took in a shattered breath, Dean leaning in and wrapping his arms around the angel's.

Just before they kissed, the world shifted and Cas was no longer clutching Dean. His eyes fluttered and when he noticed, he seethed to the air, "OH, COME ON!"

First official chapter! 👏

I'm kinda proud I got this up when I did, because this week has seriously been so freakishly busy it's not even funny.

Also... I may or may not have been listening to the band versions of all of The Nightmare before Christmas songs while I wrote this...

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