Angels We Have Heard On High

250 21 37

I was sitting in seminary, singing this song, and then suddenly it hit me like a bag of bricks with butter. Exotic butter, specifically.


Boom. My mind kinda exploded. Enjoy.

The Winchesters choked on their coffee. Dean looked up at Cas with horror. "You want us to what now?"

"Caroling, Dean," the angel repeated with an eye roll. "You make it seem like I asked you to shoot a baby."

Sam snorted. "Please, he'd shoot a baby easy."

Dean bitch faced him.

"Please, Sammy?" begged Gabe, going to the younger Winchester's side and giving him his puppy dog eyes.

No one knew it, but Sam was extremely susceptible to Gabe's puppy dog eyes. To him, they were better than his own and he couldn't help but give in.

"Fine," he murmured, taking another sip of coffee.

Gabe whooped and hugged the moose. Sam gingerly wrapped his arms around him, and Gabe nuzzled closer.

Dean blinked, turning to Cas. "I'm not caroling."


"How did I get talked into this?" Dean groaned. He was bundled in fluffy black coats and scarves, due to Cas mothering him. Wouldn't let him out of the house until he was completely overheating.

"You gave in to the puppy dog eyes," Sam supplied. Lucky bastard had on a thick leather coat Gabe had zapped him into. He had a moose beanie on and warm boots.

Cas smiled. "They always work!" he bubbled.

Gabe and Sam snickered. Unspokenly, they broke away from Destiel and went to the other side of the street, leaving their brothers by themselves.

They tended to do that a lot, didn't they?

Dean sighed. "You're lucky I love you," he muttered.

"What?" Cas asked, tilting his head.

Realizing what he'd said, Dean squeaked, "What?" He shook his head violently. "I didn't say anything."

Cas didn't seem to believe him. His narrowed eyes worked him over and then he nodded slowly. "Whatever you say, Dean."

Dean bit his lip, flushing. He looked at the houses, wanting to do something to stop the awkwardness. Suddenly he saw one he recognized and grabbed Cas's hand, pulling him along.

"I thought you didn't want to go caroling," Cas pointed out with a smal giggle, almost tripping in Dean's haste.

He shook his head. "I don't," he replied. "She does."

Dean strode up to the door and knocked loudly and obnoxiously, a boyish grin on his face. He then stood back by Cas, watching the door.

"Watch this," he murmured, biting his lip.

The door opened moments later and there appeared a short blonde girl. She was dressed in all black, but still had Christmas clothes on. In her hair were bells that jingled as she moved. "Yeah?" she called.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" he shouted.

She slammed the door.

Cas frowned, disappointed. He began to walk away when Dean grabbed his wrist, stopping him. He looked up, confused, but the Winchester just nodded towards the door.

It opened and out barreled... wait. Neveah?

"Nope," she piped, sucking on a candy cane. "Name's Addie."

Dean nodded. "Short for Adrenaline."

"Your parents named you Adrenaline?" Cas asked.

She snorted. "It's my Killjoy name."

"Oh." He tilted his head. "Why do you look like Neveah?"

"Neveah, me, R, and a few others depending on the fanfic are all different personae," she said. She groaned. "I broke it bad this time."

"Broke what?"

Dean quipped, "The fourth wall."

"OK YOU THUNDER DICK WHO THE FUDGING NUTCRACKERS GAVE YOU THE RIGHT?" screamed Lucifer, popping out of knowhere.

Micheal appeared, too. "Sorry," he muttered, laying a hand on Luci. They both vanished.

The three of them went silent. "So... caroling?" asked Addie after a while.

Dean and Cas nodded awkwardly and the small group went off in search of people to annoy with their actually pleasant but really tiring songs.

These have kinda turned into somewhat oneshots. I mean, they're all connected, they just don't really blend like real chapters.

Oh well. That can stay a thing until Christmas.


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