November Pranksgiving

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I've only been gone a matter of days but oh well. Our school play opens Thursday and I've been at school from seven thirty in the morning to almost nine in the afternoon (*Brendon Urie smirk*).

Anyway I'm going to continue this, I think. Can I just write in this until after Christmas? And like, maybe end the book there on New Years?

That sounds solid. But then again, this is me we're talking about.

Sam was really confused. And when he said confused, he wasn't just talking about mildly not understanding something. He was talking about something the size of a time warp happening and now he needed a doctor to help him through his confusion.

He was standing right outside of the bunker, but it looked strange. He was on the edge of a dome, just inside of it. Reaching out to touch the collage of color, his hand rested on it.

The moose quickly went inside, finding Dean, Cas, and Gabe sitting on the couch. His brother and his angel looked confused while the archangel looked pleased.

"Heya, Samalam!" he cheered. "Welcome back!"

Sam cocked his head. "Huh?"

Gabe rolled his eyes. "Look, it's now November-"

"But only a few days ago it was the beginning of October," Dean interrupted.

Gritting his teeth, Gabe said, "The author has been wrapped up in a play and Yearbook stuff. It's now November, thunder dick."

Dean's eyes widened, and beside him Cas tilted his head. He still didn't comprehend much of the insults they used.

"Anyway," Gabe continued, his air swiftly reverting back to his troublesome, happy tone. "It's Pranksgiving. Welcome to the free for all."

Sam plopped on one of the empty seats. "So a month of us pranking each other?"

Gabe snapped his fingers at him, not using his powers but just looking at him in approval. "Bingo, moosey."

"Why would we want to prank each other?" Cas chimed in, mentally making sure all of the doors in the bunker were closed for some strange reason.

Gabe snorted. "You need to loosen up. Pranking is fun!"

Dean glanced over at Sam and suddenly the younger Winchester knew what he was about to say. He quickly shook his head, pleading with Dean not to say anything.

"You know," his brother cooed. "Sammy was the pranking star of the school. He was never caught. Never suspected."

Gabe grinned, his eyes filling with something Sam didn't recognize. "Then I declare war."

With a snap of his fingers he was gone, leaving them alone. Sam sighed. If it was a war Gabe wanted, a war he would get.

And deep down, Sam was hoping this would bring him ever closer to the angel he'd already fallen so hard for, even if he didn't know how much just yet.

This isn't much, but hey, I got news. My play will be over Monday. That's closing night. After that, I'll have so much more time to write and you guys will see more from me.

Oh AND if y'all like Phan... maybe check out my Phanfic? You don't have to. Just a little self promo...

Um... bye?

~Adrenaline Revolution

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