Chapter 3: Home

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Asriel opened the door, and the three stepped inside. "MOM, we're HOME!" Asriel shouted, nearly slamming the door behind him.

"Wow, this place is a lot bigger on the inside than on the outside..." Connie noted as she inspected the area.

"Heh, you can say that again!" Steven agreed.
"Well, our house is on the side of the Ruins!" explained Asriel. He started to continue, but Toriel cut him off, appearing in front of the children.

"Welcome!" She said, smiling. "Follow me, young ones."

"Where to?" Connie asked, trailing behind Steven and Asriel. Toriel lead them to a small room at the end of the eastern hallway.

"Here we are," she said, opening the door and turning to the humans. "You can stay with Asriel for now."

"But Mom," Asriel complained, "there are only two beds in my room!"

"Well, them, one of you will have to sleep on the floor," Toriel concluded.

"Alright, I'll do it!" Asriel volunteered, working to be a good host.

"Th-thank you," Connie said, and Steven bounded up to the small monster.

"If you change your mind, I'll be fine sleeping on the floor!" Steven exclaimed, smiling. At that moment, the aroma of burning pastries filled the room, and Toriel's kind expression suddenly seemed more anxious.

"Oh, I have to go real quick... please, get used to your new room," she said, running out of the room and down the hall.

"Bye, Mom!" Asriel called after her, Connie and Steven walking up to him.

"I wonder what she's cooking," she pondered, glancing at Steven.

"Yeah, me too..." he agreed, still entranced by the new environment.

"Well, I hope it's Snail Pie!" exclaimed Asriel, walking to the far side of the room.

"Snail Pie? Ew," the two humans noted in unison. The small monster looked up curiously at them.

"It's not as bad as it sounds, trust me," he assured them. The group was interrupted by Toriel.

"Get some sleep, you three!" She called from the other side of the house. "You must be tired after such a long day!"
"I suppose I could take a nap..." Connie said, setting her backpack in the far corner of the room.

"Heh, yeah... running to the house and back can tire anyone out easily," Asriel noted, pulling a blanket out from under a far bed and laying it out on the ground. "You guys can take whichever bed you want..."

And so, for the next couple of hours, the three took a short nap. Thoughts of home flooded Steven's head as he tried to fall asleep, however. He couldn't help but worry about how he and Connie would make it back to Beach City, or how the Gems must be feeling about their sudden disappearance. To him, the hours that passed only seemed like a few minutes, but his thoughts were interrupted by a hand on his shoulder.

"Steven. Steven! Wake up, there's pie!" It took him a few minutes to remember who the small figure over top of him was. Entranced by the lovely smell emitting from the center of the room, Steven sat up in his bed, inspecting the pastry that lay below him.

"Oh, good, it's not Snail Pie," he said with a laugh. Connie, obviously forgetting where she was, rolled over in her bed.

"Five more minutes," she moaned. Asriel laughed.

"I'm not your mom, silly!" He said in between laughs. "C'mon, there's pie!"

Connie turned over in her bed, sitting up. "Where?" she asked wearily.

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