Chapter 13: The Core

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(PunMaster shows up again. Are you really surprised? +30)

Running along the path, the three passed right by a room with another "Mettaton the Musical" poster and into the bright area of the MTT Hotel, beaming as they approached their destination.

"Hey, is that...?" Connie started, squinting up ahead.

"Oh, wow, that was faster than I expected," Asriel admitted, the three stopping in front of a dark figure.

"Hey there, kiddos," Sans said, looking up. "Long time no see."

"Yeah, sure," Steven agreed sarcastically, matching the skeleton's tone.

"Hello again, Sans," Connie said, glancing at Steven.

"What are you doing here?" Asriel asked, confused.

"Well, I thought I'd be nice and take you guys out to dinner again. You know, just for fun. While you're down here," he replied, shutting his eyes and shrugging.

"Oh, cool!" Asriel said, beaming. "Where to?"

"Heh, here, follow me," Sans replied, walking to the left side of the building. "I've got a shortcut." With that, the four disappeared for a split second, reappearing seconds later in some sort of diner. Although the lights were dim, this place seemed much more fancy than Grillby's had.

"Whoa, that was fast!" Steven exclaimed, looking around.

"You can say that again," Connie agreed in awe. "That was another 'shortcut'!"

"Yeah, exactly... I forgot I already showed you," Sans said, taking a seat. The three sat across from him, still baffled by the experience.

"Thanks, Sans," Asriel said, as he was last to sit down.

"No problem, kiddo... so... I'm thinking I've got a story to tell. Should I tell it?" Sans pondered allowed, looking down.

"Um, sure! I'd love to hear it!" Steven replied, resting his chin in his palm.

"I guess, I guess..." Sans started. He seemed lost in thought. "Being a 'guard' in Snowdin... lookin out for humans... it was so boring. But, one day... I found a door in the woods. Just a random, locked door, sitting in the middle of nowhere. Perfect for practicing knock knock jokes. So that's exactly what I did- and it was an excellent way to pass the time, too. But one day, something extraordinary happened.

"'Knock, knock,' I said, to no one in particular. But there was a reply today- 'Who's there?' Why, I was so excited, I couldn't contain myself.


"'Dishes who?'

"'Dishes a very bad joke,' I finished, and the woman laughed- the most beautiful laugh, too. So I keep 'em coming with the knock knock jokes, and she keeps laughing. It's awesome. But then she comes right back with one. 'Knock knock!' 'Who's there?' I replied. 'Broken pencil!'

'Broken pencil who?' 'Never mind- it's pointless!'

"She was amazing... but one day... she stopped laughing. 'What's wrong?' I'd asked her, but she gave me the most peculiar response. 'Please, promise me,' she'd said... 'promise to protect any humans that come through this door. Please don't let them get into and trouble, or get hurt. Don't let them into harm's way. Please.

"Well, usually, I hate making promises, but it's hard to say no to a person with such humor... 'Sure,' I said. But I've gotta be honest, kiddos... if it weren't for that woman... well... let's just say... Y O U ' D

B E D E A D W H E R E Y O U S T A N D."

"W-well... that got dark really fast," Asriel commented, breaking the minute's silence that had passed.

StevenTaleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon