Chapter 8: Mercy

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"It's so hot out!" Asriel groaned as they finally reached the end of the Waterfall.

"That's because of two things," Steven said. "One, we're near Hotland- two, you're literally covered in fur."

Connie laughed. "Hey, when will we see the lava? It looks kinda dark out here... I thought Hotland would be glowing hot and bright."

"It will," Asriel said.

"Yeah, I think it's up ahead..." Steven said. "We've just gotta get through these wooden board-"

At that moment, a long, glistening spear shot through the floor inches in front of them. "Oh my gosh, did that spear just come from the ground?!" Connie asked, startled.

Asriel took off, and Steven grabbed Connie's arm. "It's Undyne again!" He said, frantic. "Run!"

The group was forced to split as they worked to dodge the huntress's attacks. "HELP!" Asriel cried, running towards Steven. Spears flew up in a circle, surrounding Asriel on all sides.

"I'VE GOT YOU!" Steven shouted, rushing towards him. Summoning his shield, he jumped up in the air and flung his weapon at the spears, knocking them out of the way just as he floated back down the platform. His shield clattered down below, poofing into a mist, while Steven grabbed Asriel's arm.

"Steven, look!" Connie said, once again finding an exit. Without a word, Asriel dragged Steven in and out of the hurling weapons.

"Slow down!" Steven said, struggling to maintain upright, but this only made Asriel tighten his grip and run even faster. Eventually, they made it to the other side, Connie joining them as they continued down the bridge.

Barely a minute had passed before the three stopped cold. "It's a dead end," Asriel choked, turning back to the humans. Slow, metal footsteps sounded from the distance, each one getting louder as Undyne went along.

"It ends here," she growled, holding up another glistening spear heroically. She pointed it at the children.

The three stood still, frozen with fear. Asriel tapped Steven on the shoulder, but the half-gem brushed him off. "Cut it out," he breathed as quietly as possible.

"Steven, Connie, look..."

"We can see it from up here, Asr-" Steven started.

"Steven, that's not what he means!!!" Connie said as Undyne shot a blast at the wood platform. "Oh, no!" Connie managed as the bridge snapped in half, leaving the three to plummet to their doom.

"STEVEN, BUBBLE!" Conne and Asriel shouted in unison. Using most of his strength, he managed another bubble about a second before they hit the ground. Asriel screamed in fear as they made hard contact with the concrete, breaking the bubble in half and tossing the children backward.

"Oohhh, my back," Connie moaned, working to sit up. Steven stood, searching for Asriel, who was still screaming in the distance.

"Asriel, we aren't falling anymore!" He shouted, squinting to see.

Gasping in surprise, Steven tripped over him, falling and scraping his knees. He turned to see Asriel, lying on the ground with his eyes clenched shut.

"Ya think he's OK?" Connie asked, bending over him.

"W-we should probably carry him..." Steven said, worried. Connie nodded in agreement, but just then, Asriel's eyes popped open.

"We really aren't falling anymore?" he asked anxiously. Steven looked down at him.

"Yeah..." he assured the young monster, lending out his hand. As he pulled Asriel up, he continued. "I think we're in some type of sewer."

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