Chapter 10: To HotLand

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 "Well, that was... interesting," Connie said.

"Strange and painful, but interesting," Asriel agreed dryly.

"Let's try not to do that again," Connie agreed.

"Now, what exactly is in Hotland, Asriel?" Steven asked. Asriel turned to him.

"Well, there's a lab... but that's about it."

"I like science," Connie commented, raising her hand.
"Not me," Asriel replied.

"Well, I don't really go to school, so I don't know that much about science," Steven concluded, continuing onward. "Wow, it's really hot around here!"

"That's why it's called Hotland, Steven," Connie said. "But it is weird how the heat can be felt even miles away from it."

"Hey, look! There's a third path!" Before he let anyone reply, Asriel bounded down it.

"Asriel!" Connie called, but he was nearly out of sight, and she sighed, she and Steven straining to catch up. "Looks like we're all going now!"

"I'm fine with that!" Steven said, smiling.

"Steven, you're fine with everything in this place!" Connie said, a bit annoyed, but also smiling. They finally caught up with Asriel, who was looking up at a strange person with a dark purple cloak concealing her body. They appeared to be standing in some sort of boat.

"Tra la la... hello," a mysterious voice sounded. It sounded female. "Would you care for a ride?"

"Can you take us to Hotland?" Steven asked, cutting Connie off, who was about to reject. The boat person tilted their head.

"I can take you near it, but not to it," the boat person sang.

"And how close would we be?" Connie asked.

"Approximately one mile within its radius," she replied.

"Hey, Asriel, about how far are we from Hotland now?" Steven asked, considering the boat person's offer.

"Five and a half miles," he replied after a moment's hesitation.

"Ok, I guess we'll go by boat," Connie said, reluctantly climbing in. The three children stepped into the boat, and it slowly started down the stream.

"Tra la la... no one know where the scientist went... tra la la..." the boat person stared ahead, as if they didn't say anything.

"Scientist?" Asriel asked.

"The man who speaks in hands... beware the man who speaks in hands... tra la la," she replied.

"Oh, you must mean W.D Ga-" Asriel started.

"Tra la la... we have arrived," the boat person interrupted, as the boat came to a stop.

"Wow, that was fast," Steven said, stepping off with Connie and Asriel. "Thank you!"

"It was a pleasure... tra la la!" the boat person sang, floating away.

"Well, I expected at least a few more minutes, at the very least," Connie huffed, confused.

"G-guys.." Asriel said, panting. "Guys, it's... way too hot out here..." with that, Asriel dropped to his knees.

"Asriel?!" Steven asked, but there was no reply.

"Oh, jeez, we need to find some water. NOW!" Connie said. Looking around, the two realized there was no place from which they could retrieve a beverage- unless Asriel wanted to drink some lava.

StevenTaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora