Chapter 11: Mettaton

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As the wall broke down, bricks went flying and some dust filled the air. "Oh, no-"

"OH, YES!" exclaimed a small robot. "Hello, darlings!"

"Um..." said the three children in unison. The robot stood before them. It... chuckled.

"It's me! METTATON!" it exclaimed dramatically. "And welcome back to Mettaton TV!" The room went dark, as spotlights hit the children.

"What's going on?" Connie asked.

"Why don't you introduce yourself first, darling? It's very rude to keep your identity secret!" Mettaton argued.

"Ok... I'm Connie, and these are my friends, Steven and Asriel," she said motioning to the two behind her. "And you are...?"

"YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!" Mettaton shouted.

"Oh my gosh, you really are Mettaton!" Asriel exclaimed at last, observing the robot.

"Hi there, Mettaton!" Steven said. "So, why did you break through the wall?"

"For... DRAMATIC EFFECT!" the robot exclaimed, striking a pose.

"Wait, are we on...? Oh my gosh oh my gosh OH MY GOSH!!!!" Asriel squealed, observing the cameras. "We're on Mettaton TV!!!"

"Why yes, you are!" Mettaton said. "Now, let's get started!"

Connie leaned over to Steven as everyone got set up. "This sounds fun!" she whispered, and he smiled and nodded in agreement.

"What's the game?" Asriel asked, excited.

"Truth... OR DEATH!" Mettaton exclaimed maniacally.

"Oh, that's MY FAVORITE ONE!" Asriel shouted, and the others stared at him.

"First question!" Mettaton said, catching everyone's attention. "What are robots made of?"

"Well, they're made up of buttons, wires, and other mechanical components-" Connie started, but Asriel jumped up.

"Metal and Magic!" He exclaimed, and Mettaton huffed.

"Correct!" Connie stared up at the robot with disbelief.

"Asriel, how did you know that?" she asked.

"I watch this show all the time!" Asriel replied to the human, and Connie smiled, realizing this would give them an advantage.

As if reading her mind, Steven exclaimed, "Great! That means we have an advantage!"

The game continued onward like this, with Mettaton asking the questions and Asriel answering each one perfectly. "Now," the robot continued after a while, "what happened in episode 5 of Kissy Kitty Mew?"

"OH I KNOW!!!" Alphys exclaimed. SHE GOT ICE CREAM THAT WAS A FLAVOR THAT NO ONE KNEW WAS... oh wait..."

"Alphys, tsk tsk, you know the rules," Mettaton said. "This isn't your game. In fact, I'd end the game now if it weren't for this next question..."

"Oh, no," Dr. Alphys huffed.

"OH, YES!" Mettaton turned back to the contestants. "Tell me, darlings- WHO DOES DR.ALPHYS HAVE A CRUSH ON?"

"Um..." Steven started blushing, as one of the answers appeared to be 'the human'. "We just met her today, so we wouldn't know..."

"Th-that is true," Connie agreed.

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