Chapter 14: Judgement

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(A really short chapter. Like, really short. Cause Sans is just that special. But this is all for tonight, and we only have one or two more chapters till we reach book two =D Enjoy)

"I wonder what's going on back in Snowdin," Asriel pondered aloud, after the three had been walking for about half an hour.

"Probably just Sans and Papyrus doing some stupid joke," Connie replied. "They seem like the pair that would have Sans put all their mugs in the yard and tell his brother it's a bit muggy outside."

"Yeah, probably," Steven said, laughing.

"Oh wow, that was funny," Asriel agreed, bursting out laughing.

"So... what's that castle like, Asriel?" Steven asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, just a plain castle. Nothing really special. It's what you would think it would look like." Asriel responded, shrugging.

"I'll bet it's large and full of nice furniture" Connie daydreamed. Asriel giggled.

"Yeah, that sounds about right." he agreed. Steven jumped ahead, excitedly, as the three continued.

"Oh boy, I can't wait to get to the Capital!" he exclaimed, turning back to his friends.

"Well, we're almost there... I think," Asriel continued. "Just wait a little longer, OK? Here, now that we have some time to talk, maybe you guys can tell me more about yourselves... I don't really know much about humans!"

"Well, I live in the town next to Steven's, and I'm an only child," Connie started, staring off into space. "My parents are really overprotective."

"Heh, Mom is also overprotective... all the time, actually," Asriel laughed. "What about you, Steven?"

"Well, I don't live with my mom," he started sadly, "but I have her gem!"

"O-oh..." Asriel trailed off. The three walked onward in a semi-awkward silence before Steven spoke up again.

"Anyway, how far are we, Asriel?" He asked again, anxious to get home.

"We just need to go up this elevator all the way to floor five... then we're in New Home!" Asrie exclaimed, as the three stepped into the silver capsule. Elevator music sounded for a few minutes before a loud 'ding' rang out, and the doors opened once more.

"Wow, that was fast," Connie said, stepping out behind Steven.

"Yeah," he agreed, glancing at Asriel.

"It's a new turbo elevator," the young monster exclaimed, taking the lead. "Now, let's go!"

"It's so gray here..." Steven commented, looking around. "Where's all the color?"

"Well, we haven't made it to the castle yet," Asriel explained. "This is just the hallway..."

"Hey, look!" Connie exclaimed, pointing ahead. "Is that the castle entrance?"

"Huh?" Asriel said, looking up. "We shouldn't be yet... I don't recognize that doorway."

"Well, it looks like there's no other path," Steven said, stepping inside. The three arrived in a golden hallway, complete with large glass windows casting a golden glow all around.

"How is there even sunlight? I thought we were underground," Connie pointed up, looking around.

"Maybe it isn't sunlight...?" Steven suggested. Walking faster, the three moved quickly through the hall... until they were met by a dark figure.

"So... you finally made it." The mysterious figure stayed hidden in the shadows, freaking the children out.

"Asriel, who is that?!" Connie whispered, and Asriel shrugged.

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