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Everyone sat in Jay living room staring at me and Dana. No one said anything to us. I kept looking forward trying to avoid any eye contact.

"Im sorry y'all," Kim whisper to us. I didn't say anything as I feel myself grow even more irritated. I'm so fucking tired of all these fucking sorry's. I didn't say that though becuase I know she just worried about me. I rubbed my eyes trying to think of something, but the only thing I can think about is leaving.

"Kim I wanna leave," Her eyes lit up some but she still was concern. "Rima are you sure. I don't want you to leave, and you still wanna stay and be with them," As much as I want to stay I realize I cant. I cant look at them, none of them. I also want to start a dance studio with Kim, "Kim I wanna go."

I look over at Dana and she was staring at space. I grabbed her hand and rubbed my thumb over her knuckles. "We can go see if we can find a spot in LA." Dana smiled a little but it dropped, "Kim said she couldn't find a spot in LA." I put my head down feeling defeated. I at least wanted to move somewhere that's comfortable for Dana. The fact that we are leaving on our own probably is making her go crazy, and I don't wanna make things worse for her.

"I'm going to come up with something ok," She smiled and nodded. I leaned back feeling a little dizzy, "I can't believe they're not my real parents, and that I been looking at my real mother the past few years. I can't believe that they lied on Marshall so he couldn't get us, and I damn sho can't believe mom and Karen was having an affair." I said aloud to myself as I process everything in.

"I talk to my mom about it, and she said she is positive Jason my father. So the next time I see him we will be having a nice little conversation," Darnell said through gritted teeth. "I just hate that he left me and my mom, and this whole time I been seeing him. Then I have to hear this shit about what he did to y'all. I will be very sorry if he turned out to be my father." Darnell said as he got up and exit the room.

I look back over at Kim, "We need to go find some spots in LA. If my little sister wants to go then she will. She deserve happiness. Now if you all need me I will be in Kiera's room." I gave Jay a quick kiss before leaving the room. I stepped into Kiera's room, and saw her holding the bear Jason gave her close to her chest.

I felt something tug on my heart at the sight of that. That's my little baby right there. She deserve more than I ever had. She deserve the truth, and I will give her it if she ask. Cause if I lie and she found out. I wouldn't  want her going through life handling the truth like me. Welp let's see can life be easier once me, my daughter, and sister leave this town.


I know this shit is killing Rima like it is killing me. Honestly it feel like knives going through my back and out through my chest. I can't believe I never met my real father until now, and my suppose to be aunt was my mother. Can life get worse for me. Me and Kim was getting ready to go until she told me to go tell Rima we was gone.

I walk towards Kiera's room and stop once I saw them. They look like so cute together. I wish Jermaine was here so I can be like that. I turned around and went back towards the front. I told her she was sleep and waved goodbye to Jay. The thoughts of Jermaine invaded my mind. I miss him so much, and I wish he was here with me. I have to talk to Marshall about Jason. Even though he did wrong, I honestly don't want him to die. Maybe I should call him later before its too late.


"Dad." Selena yelled from upstairs as I closed the front door. I bet she been waiting for me to return. Her and Marisol was rushing down the stairs towards me, "So what happen?" I shook my head not really feeling like going over what happen. I'm not gon lie like I'm happy they're leaving. Why would I anyway? I just met them and here they is trying to run off, but I don't blame them. I just don't want them to leave me.

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