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One week later

"Toya are you sure you going to be good?" I ask her as I held Dre in my arms.

We will be leaving soon in a few more days, and I just can't help the hurting feeling of leaving my son. He is going to be getting bigger without me here, but I will call and video chat every chance I get.

"Yes D I will. I can't believe you're leaving so soon."

I nodded my head in agreement with her. Mom is so excited just like I was at first, but knowing that I will be leaving my son is killing me. The other bad thing is I won't be able to see Dana as much since she will be doing school, and the movie at least she won't be too far. I rubbed Dre head giving him a kiss.

"D there's something I want to tell you," Toya said with a big smile.


"I'm thinking about going to college."

My eyes widen at the news she just said. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of that. She really is trying to become a good mother.

"Really Toya."

"Yea. My parents will help me get in, and the good thing is they're not that far from the school."

"Damn girl I can honestly say I'm so proud of you. What do you plan on majoring in?"


My smile drop instantly drop from my face because I know she lying now. She is too impatient and crazy to be a fucking nurse. I don't even think that's safe.

"What's wrong?"

"Uhh are you sure that's what you want to do?" I questioned

"Yea, I always wanted to be a nurse growing up. After high school I just got off track, but now I'm ready to get back on for me and my son."

I stared at her for a minute. I just can't see her being a nurse. After all the things she did to me and everyone else, I just don't see her being that nice nurse that everyone adores.

"Ok then," I said shrugging.

"D how will you be able to come see us, I mean Dre."

"Well for now I don't think I will be coming back that soon when we leave, but when I do come back it will be for like almost a week. After that I will try to come every two or three weeks on the weekends depending on if I have a job."

"Ok," She said softly.

I frown a little, "What's up with you?"

"Nothing....it just...um....well when I was pregnant with Dre I just knew things will be ok between us. I was hoping we would be together, but you found love with someone else and then your leaving."

I didn't know what to say at the moment. I didn't want to be mean so I stayed quiet. I honestly don't feel bad for leaving her and being with Dana. She was too crazy, and how she was acting when Dre came made me happy that I'm with Dana. My only sadness is leaving Dre behind.

"But that doesn't matter, I will be straight once I get into school." She said noticing that I wasn't going to say anything.

"Well it's almost 2 in the morning, I'm about to go. I'll come back later if that's ok with you." I said heading towards Dre room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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