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I followed her voice into her kitchen. She was sitting at the table with Kiera.

"Sup lil mama."

"Jaaaaaay," She sang as she jump into my arms.

I gave her a big hug which made her giggle. Once she pulled back I just stared at her. Its funny how I love this little girl so much like she's my own.

"Where's Rima?"

"She went with Dana to the interview with the movie producer."

I nodded as it came to me, "I can't believe Dana got it. I hope all goes well for her."

"Yeah I'm really proud of her. I hope they can work out some things since she's in her last year in school."

"You know speaking of that this is Rima's last year actually last few months."

My baby is almost out of high school and will be off to college. I wonder do she plan on doing that. I feel she is very smart, and deserve to have that chance. Keira is starting school next year since her birthday is late.

"We should have a graduation party for her," I told Kim.

"That sound like a cool idea."

"PARTY!!"Kiera screamed causing us to laugh.

"Yea. We're throwing a party for mommy." I told her as we started clapping.

"Anyway what have you been up too," Kim ask.

"Nun really have you found a spot yet?"

"Yea I did and I love you to death, but what are you going to do about a house?"

"Well I was thinking maybe I could stay with you until I have a job then me and Rima will leave."

Kim sighed hard, "Then Ima be lonely asf."

I chuckled some, "Kim you got friends."

"Where?"She ask as she started looking under the table.

"You didn't have friends before Rima?"

"Hell no. You know I don't like people."

We started laughing because its true. Kim can be nice, but then she can be crazy. She don't got time for all that bullshit most girls be into. It's almost like she too mature for her age.

"You know I'm so happy your with her right."

I gave her a little smirk, "Is it because your happy your brother is happy or because you got you a friend."

She tighten her lip, "Ummm well I guess you can say the second choice is true."

My mouth fell open causing her to laugh, "Kidding, I'm kidding."

"Man I should take her from you, but I know that she means a lot to you so I won't."

"Mmmm, anyway I think she should be back soon."

"When she left?"

"3 hours ago."

"Damn well let me know when she come back I'm finna take a nap."

I gave Kiera a kiss on the forehead them went over to the couch in the living room. Once I laid down it was over with.


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