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Sorry I haven't update in awhile. I hope all my viewers still here with me. I should be able to update regularly now since school is over for me. Also I'm writing another story called Shai. This is another story about August. I hope you guys love it when it comes out. So please enjoy this chapter and I hope you have a nice day.


"Hey Angie," I said smiling into the phone.

"Hey baby how you doing?"

"I'm doing good. Is everything ok up there?"

"Yes, I'm just missing you and everyone else."

I smiled, "Angie."

"Yes baby."

"I have to tell you something about my mom."

"Awwh hell what did her crazy ass do this time? Do I have to come down there again?"

"No-no-no. Angie she didn't do anything wrong."

"Oh well why you talking like she hurt your soul."

I felt my eyes water up some, "Um I just found out that she was innocent all these years. My dad was abusive to her, and treated her like she was shit. She said she hid it from us because she knew how much we loved him. That's why she quickly got in a relationship time he died. She felt free and alive knowing he cant hurt her anymore."

"Oh my god baby, I'm so sorry to hear this. Hearing this makes me look at her differently now. Although there still some things I don't agree with that she did back then. I can't believe she was being abused. He seem like a nice man to me."

"Yea well me and Marshall did too," I said dryly.

"Laqueta I'm glad she shared this with you so y'all can finally move forward in life. Now when the girls are ready to talk with, you can be prepared to share them your story. I know its mostly Karen's fault, but it was yours too. Have you spoken to them?"

"No I haven't, and it's making me sick to my stomach knowing that I won't be seeing them for awhile."

"Is they going to New York?"

I sighed and shrugged, "That's what they said I don't know if they left yet. I been calling nonstop, but they never return my calls."

"Well I'm going to give them a call later on so I can see what's going."

"Thanks, and Angie."

"Yes sweetie."

"Even though my mother is back in the picture, you will forever be mines too. I love both of y'all and I don't wanna lose neither of you."

She giggled some, "Thanks Laqueta, and you will forever be my daughter. Karen drives me crazy, but I love her and I love you too."

We said our goodbye's then she hung up. I sighed as I stared at my phone. I instantly wondered what Dana was doing. I hesitantly hit the call button by her name. I heard it ring which made my heart beat fast. I hope she picks up.

Soon I heard the woman on the phone indicating that I should leave a message and I did. I told Dana I love her and her sister, and I was just calling to check on them. I sighed long and hard before hanging the phone. I massaged my temple trying to calm my nerves.

"Laqueta," I heard causing me to turn my head towards the door.

I saw my mom and started smiling. I really do love her and I'm glad I have her here with me.


"I was wondering do you wanna go out tonight to the club or something. So we can clear our minds and relax for once."

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